Chapter 11

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My night with the king went wonderfully, he acted as a gentleman would and treated me, well, like a queen. I unconsciously found myself growing fond of him and his effect on me, such as those odd tingling sensations when he touches me. At the end of the night he escorted me back to my chambers and kissed my hand before saying good night. As much as I tried to avoid my racing heart and the burning in my face, it was inevitable.

The King of Jabbah is slowly worming his way into my heart and that worries me, I thought, as I drifted to sleep that night.


I awoke to the sound of knocking on my door. Slowly and begrudgingly I removed myself from bed and went to see who it was. As I approached the door I realized I was in a silky sleeping gown and that I should a pull a robe over my body in case there is any male. I quickly pulled on the robe and turned back to the door, opening it, I saw Sharif.

He looked uncomfortable standing there, rubbing his neck and avoiding looking up out of respect for my state, he spoke, "Morning sunshine, sorry to wake you but there's something you must see."

I rubbed at my eyes, "Something I must see?" I repeated. "What is it that I would have to be woken up for?"

"Just go get dressed Layla and then I'll show you." He ushered.

"Fine! Call Inayah and Iman to bring me my clothes." I ordered half asleep.

"Why do you need them? Just pull on a kaftan and hurry."

I sighed, "All right just give me five minutes." I closed the door and shuffled towards the water basin. After washing my face and rinsing my mouth thoroughly I pulled a brush though my golden hair and pinned it back before pulling on an emerald green gown, the green making my own green eyes stand out.

I walked back out fully awake and fresh. "Okay all done." I said shrugging and turned to Sharif only to see the King. I let out a shocked gasp and stepped back. "Where did Sharif go?" I asked.

"He had to go do some work for me." He said staring deep into my eyes. I was enchanted unable to lower my gaze. He stepped forward and moved a stray hair from my face, his hand lingering. My heart was pounding as his finger trailed down my face to my jaw and under my chin. He pulled my face up inspecting it. "You are truly the most beautiful creature I have ever laid eyes on." He whispered before stepping away.

I quickly stepped back and clutched my fast beating heart. Goodness, my reaction to him is so very scary. I can't allow myself to be like this every time he is around me. I recovered and spoke, "Alright so Sharif left, what do you want from me, your majesty. "

"Layla, there should be no formalities between us, call me Habib."

"I'd rather not."

He glared at me but I didn't flinch as I stared back. He looked away angrily and sighed, "I have someone I wish for you to meet." His anger gone with a smile replacing his previous expression.

"Someone as in-?" I raised my brow.

"My sister Nour and my cousin Sarah. You were originally only meant to meet my sister but Sarah arrived here this morning. She is visiting from my uncle's kingdom. His is rather small but still a strong and united Kingdom." The king explained.

"Sarah? The cousin that your mother wishes you to marry?" I asked trying to keep the happiness off of my face.  Perhaps I can help his mother in her plans of the two being married.

"Yes the exact one but don't get too excited yet mahboub, she isn't the one I want to marry. Don't try anything foolish. I still intend to keep our deal and my half of it, I expect the same from you."

Goodness how could I forget, I agreed to his terms which means I agreed to be a candidate of marriage. I can't break this deal otherwise he has the right to force me into being his wife. But still, this doesn't mean there is no chance that he may fall in love with Sarah.

"Fine, I understand. But if you fall for her that's on your hands. But just one request before we meet your lovely family. I would like to meet Sharif, he wanted to show me something and it seemed quite urgent. Honestly,  it's been weighing on my mind. How about I speak to him and then I will meet you all for breakfast?  I'm sure Sarah would like to rest and Nour might be asleep. It's still very early, you know." I supplied

He pondered over this for a little, though he doesn't look thrilled with the idea- it wasnt long before he agreed. I smiled inwardly this means I am able to prolong the breakfast with his family which includes Amani, the former queen, and the girl whom she wishes to be her daughter in law. His sister on the other hand, I am actually ecstatic to meet because there's a chance she may become Zaid's wife. As soon as I see him again I must explain the whole situation and hope for the best.

I smile outwardly this time and slightly bowed my head prior to leaving to find my closest friend at the time. After searching for what seemed like hours, but in reality was probably thirty minutes I spotted him and approached his figure.

"Sharif, earlier you had woken me up what was that all about?" I inquired,  quite curiously.

"Oh yes, quickly before he leaves." He ushered me out a door and down a hallway. I simply gave him a questioning look. "I believe I have found your brother!" He exclaimed as an explanation.

My eyes widened and watered. "You have? What does he look like? Was it Shakeel, or Amir? Maybe even Zaid or Khalil?" I asked with much excitement.

He simply shook his head, "You'll see."

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion,  why wouldn't he just give me some peace of mind and heart?  He should tell me who has come. I rested my running thoughts with the fact that whoever it is, I'm still very much happy about seeing them. After what seemed like an eternity we arrived at another set of doors which led to a room filled with people walking and talking. I recognized many of the kings consultants and advisors, the people who worked side by side with him, but majority were strangers. Sharif grasped my wrist and walked me though the crowd but stopped in front of a man whose back faced us but the peculiar thing about this man was the fact that he had golden blonde hair.

Sharif released my wrist and tapped the person on the shoulder. He turned around slowly, making eye contact, and looked at me with shock splashed on his face. I'm sure my expression mirrored his because this man was the male version of myself. He had the same golden green eyes and yellow hair, his nose straight, just as mine was. The only thing that separated our similar looks was his height, his manly build and the obvious male jaw and features, mine of course being more on the feminine side.

I stood unable to speak. But before I can even utter a word, Sharif spoke, "See sunshine!  I found your brother."


Well there it goes!




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