Chapter 16

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I am not a woman to cry easily, but standing with all these conflicting emotions of anger, sadness, desire, I cannot help but cry unable to control my burning frustration. Habib immediately came on the defensive, approaching me slowly as if approaching an angry lioness. If I weren't so distressed I may have even mocked him for his behavior. I step back as he stood inches from me; I held my hand up to place a barrier from him coming closer.

"What has happened? Why are you in this state? Has anyone done anything to you?" Habib fires question after question and I'd bet my silent cries are putting him in a state of panic. My lower lip quivers as I try to rein in my emotional meltdown. I take a few deep breaths before looking to him with a burning glare.

"You!" I point my finger to his chest forcing him to take a step back. "This is all your doing," I gesture to my disheveled state.

Giving me a look of innocence Habib replies, "Me? And what have I done to bring tears to you?"

"You have brought me here, forced me to stay, kept me away from my family, constantly attempt to woo me with pleasantries; yet you dare ask me what you have done?" I rant. He must be insane to believe that he is innocent in all of this, if it were not for him, I would not be in this situation in the first place.

I admit that my growing emotions for him, he cannot be blamed for, but everything else is most definitely his fault. Habib shot me a look of offense, "You really think that I am to blame for your tears? Yes, I have done all those things, but you have accepted all my lavish gifts and I did not see your complaints at all in these past weeks. I agree, you mentioned once or twice of your family, but I have not witnessed any other form of disagreement to your lifestyle here. Surely you are partly to blame as well as I."

He may have had a point there, but I was not about to let him believe it. "How can I complain? Because of you I stand here in your royal court; technically I owe you my life! What type of guest would I be if I did not even offer you a small amount of kindness or appreciation?"

"Oh so now you are thankful? If I remember clearly, the first week you were here you proudly proclaimed that Sharif was your savior and not I! Has that changed?" He fires back crossing his arms in intimidation.

Gone are my other mixed emotions and in comes pure unfiltered anger. How can one be so arrogant? My stay here consisted of a shy quiet Layla, but she is lost now as I come in touch with my actual personality. The one of a fierce woman who refuses to bow to anyone. I have no response to him and instead decide in a split second, as my eyes fall upon his sword, to fight off my frustrations. I step close to Habib, enough to catch him off guard- his eyes narrow with suspicion, but before he responds, I grab the hilt of his sword, unsheathing it, and jump back so that he cannot grab for it.

I hold the majestic sword in front of me. He looks at me with a surprised expression, barking a command at his guards who quickly surrounded us. "Stay back and do not touch her! If she is harmed, you all die." Immediately the guards around us move away, obviously afraid to go against the command.

Habib chuckles darkly rolling up his sleeves. "So you wish to fight it out like a man, huh?" He walks over to guard closest to him gesturing for a sword. His request quickly granted as the guard unsheathes his own sword for his king. Habib swung the sword left and right as if to get a feel for the thing. The one I hold in my hand is a clear beauty; with a golden hilt encrusted with jewels and a beautiful glow, the quality of its craftsmanship stands out. I am excited to hold a sword after almost two months without it. I miss the feel of the heavy metal weighing down my hand and the slight vibrations of when it collides with another sword.

I reply to Habib with a small smirk, "I have always preferred fighting man to woman over pointless bickering. We shall end this nonsense with a duel."

"Are you sure you would like to do this Layla? Last chance before you are left with regret." His eyes almost pleading for me to refuse.

I realize that Habib believes that I cannot hold my own , and he genuinely believes I am out of my league here and that I will lose. Instead of replying I hold up the saber in a defensive stance. He sighs before getting into his own position. We stood watching each other, waiting, for the other to make the first move. Just as I start to grow impatient, Habib attacks, his blows gentle as if to go easy on me. I easily dodge his swing and push him back.

A look of surprise flashes in his eyes as he comes to term with the fact that I can hold my own. This time I attack him blow after blow, not wanting to give him even a breath of peace. He dodges all my attacks left and right. I am frustrated that he is not waning in the least bit. I can tell that he clearly was not expecting for me to be so skilled in sword fighting. It is unheard of for a woman to fight, let alone be trained to fight. Habib has had enough of being on the offense as he switches back to defense swinging his sword towards my neck I block his attempt and push back. We continue attacking each other, the sounds of metal hitting metal filling the room as the guards watch with amazement. Finally I have had enough as I distract him with feigning right and instead going left aiming for his for his heart. He quickly catches the move pushing his sword under mine; his right hand holding the hilt and his left the sharp metal of the blade.

I push further wanting to injure him a little, my anger having not faded. The metal digs into his hand causing a cut in his left palm. Giving a little more strength, I push a bit more causing Habib to hiss in pain and drop his sword. Quickly catching myself lest I kill him, my sword slightly cuts his chest before I pull back satisfied with my win.

Habib stares at me with a wonder in his eyes as I turn to look around me to notice that all the guards have bowed their heads. I gasp as I realize that I technically won to the King of Jabbah with a loud huff, I drop his majestic saber at his feet and turn to leave.

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