Chapter 19: Clueless

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Gone astray and Eerie apparitions in the night are one of my favourite PLA requests too! Wanda getting lost is annoying, but I just love the quest is wrapped up. Zeke being the big brother and going out of the village (most likely doesn't have Pokemon on him either) to find Wanda is so precious! And also I think Spiritomb is cool, and Vessa actually one of the spirits is such a plot twist!


"Wow! You've collected 89 wisps so far!" Even as the little girl reported the number as enthusiastically as ever, Senki can't help but sigh. She has been collecting wisps for ages now, and she still can't collect them all.

"Senki? Who are you talking to?" A deep voice echoed in the dead of the night.

Senki turned to see a familiar face. The figure was holding a lantern close to his face, revealing his features.

"Hey, Zeke. I am just talking to Vessa." Senki gestured to the little girl in the grey kimono. She raised her brows as she watched Vessa's face grow worried.

"Hm? What? There's no one there?" Zeke held the lantern closer to his eyes, squinting his grey-coloured eyes at her.

Senki turned to Vessa, before realising the little girl was nowhere to be seen.

"Vessa?" Senki scanned her surroundings. Just some wooden houses and the woods in the distance. Vessa? No sight of her. She turned to Zeke, whose face was clouded with questions. Gosh, she must be looking like a lunatic right now.

"Well, urm, anyway, I haven't seen you for a while. Wanda was talking about you. Well, everyone was too. About how amazing you are getting rid of those things in the sky," Zeke scratched his head as he averted his eyes.

"Well, it's nothing, really." Senki brushed it off, occupied with trying to figure out where Vessa had gone.

"No, you are really a nice and kind person. It is always nice talking to you."

Senki felt a little warmth rising inside her.

"Well, it is nice talking to you too."

"Urm.." Silence ensued between them since Senki wasn't trying that hard to carry the conversation. After all, she only ever talked to Zeke to help him find his wandering sister.

"Urm...I gotta go now. See you!" The lamp in his hand illuminates his face that's now 50 shades of pink. Like a timid Starly, Zeke scurried away.

Senki watched as the light from the lantern gradually grew further away from her.

"He seems to like you!" A high-pitched voice sounded out, and Senki turned to see Vessa staring at her.

"Huh? Yeah. I like him too. He is a nice friend." Senki said casually.

"Jeez, you are really clueless." Vessa heaved a deep sigh, shaking her head

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