2. Questions But No Answers

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I wake up suddenly to the harsh sound of a loud clash. My head jolts up, and I instantly regret it when my head starts pounding. I open my eyes, and see nothing visible but darkness. I'm not sure where I am but I'm sure I'm in a bed. I feel the pillows, and a heavy blanket on top of me.

Moving around a little, I feel the familiar feeling of smooth silk graze my leg. It feels like the ones I have on my bed. Wait..

Am I at home?

On instinct, I lean over to the side and search for my bedside lamp. I find it and I realize I am really at home.

How did I get here ? Where is the bleeding guy ? Does my father know ? How did I escape? All these questions race through my mind as I run downstairs to find my father.

"Dad?" My voice booms throughout the house. "Dad, are you here?"

"Rose I'm in the kitchen !" He yells back.

I walk down the long hallway into the kitchen and find my dad over by the stove, cooking something in a huge pot. The aroma of sweet, and sour fills the over-sized kitchen. It's weirdly pleasant.

"What was that noise?" I ask.

"I dropped some pans, my mistake. I didn't mean to wake you."

"It's okay Dad. Um, can I ask you a question?" I ask casually- well, at least try to.

"Shoot." He walks over to refrigerator and looks for something.

"When exactly did I come home?"

"Uhh, I'm not sure actually. As soon as I dropped you off yesterday, I was out like a light."

"Wait.. You mean today is a new day ?" I ask, my eyes wide in bewilderment.

"Yeah, you slept all day yesterday. I wanted to wake you, but you seemed tired so I let you sleep." He tells me putting seasoning into the pot, and stirring it around.

I'm confused. How could I have slept all day? I never sleep all day, unless I'm sick. My mind wanders off to the weird man from yesterday. I wonder if I should tell my dad about what happened, but how could I explain to him what I saw. He would think It was just a strange dream or something.

"Rose?" My dad says bringing me out of my thoughts.

"What's wrong ? Is everything okay?" he asks, worry clear in his voice. My dad knows me so well, I never have to tell when something is bothering me because he can already tell.

"No, I'm fine. I'm gonna uh, go out today, and visit someone." I tell him hurrying out of the kitchen before he starts asking me any further questions. I run upstairs and go back into my room.

I don't know how I got here, and I didn't remember anything after I fell asleep in that.. guy's house yesterday. But I know he had something to do with this. I feel it.

He was strange. All of this is. My thoughts are hazy, but I remember everything that happened yesterday. From the woods, to him controlling me, and somehow forcing me to fall asleep. I have all these questions floating in my head. All these why's, and how's and they need to be answered.

I go inside the bathroom and take a quick shower. Ten minutes later I have clothes on, and are almost finished. I walk over to the full length body mirror in the corner of my room, and look over myself one last time. I have on dark skinny jeans, a loose floral shirt, and my black converse. My long, wavy hair is still wet to tame, so I just put it back in a ponytail.

Now I'm ready to go.

I jog down the carpet stairs and grab my keys off the mahogany table at the end of the staircase.

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