3. Him Again

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I drive at the speed limit down the highway as I make my way to school. It's been exactly three weeks since my confrontation with Vincent and I often find myself wandering off about him. Every since that day weird things have been happening to me. Good, weird things. Like, I found my bike-Well, It just appeared in my driveway, but I assume he had something to do with that. And three days ago, when I got to school my car wouldn't start, but when school was over , it was perfectly fine. It's like someone is watching over me.

I smile faintly at the possibility. Even though he is strange, the thought of Vincent watching over me, makes me feel.. safe for some strange reason.

I pull into the crowded parking lot and park in my usual spot. I heave a sigh as I take my keys out of the ignition and look at the time. It's 7:30 A.M. Being early, I have time to spare so I take out my favorite book, The Great Gatsby, and start reading where I left off.

A few minutes later I finish the book, and take out my phone. 8:20 A.M reads on the lightly dim screen. I guess I was so consumed in the book, I didn't realize everyone had left the parking lot, and I'm now extremely late for class.


I shiver a little exiting my car, as the chilly October air, brushes my face. Closing and locking my may car, I start making my way to the Main Building.

As soon as I start walking I get this eerie feeling, like I'm being followed or something. Panic arises in the pit of my stomach and I immediately turn around , but there is no one there.

Maybe it's just me, maybe.. I'm losing it or something. I say trying to calm myself down, but I still feel weird as I speed walk inside the building.

I reach the class three minutes before it was over so I just decide to stand outside of the door and wait for my friends. Soon as the bell rings students start rushing out of the class and I just stand patiently by the door for my group to exit. After what seems like forever they all finally walk out of class, laughing at something that seems to be hilarious.

"Hey Rose." Jeremy greets me. As they approach me they all start staring at me, and even though I'm pretty confident about myself, I can't help but to feel a little self conscious. 

"Why are you all staring at me? I ask obliviously.

"Whats wrong with your eyes?" Seth asks. "They're different colors."

"Yeah, look" Alison says, handing me her compact mirror. I look in the mirror and sure thing, my eyes are their natural colors. One light green, and one Light blue. I must have been so in a rush this morning I forgot to put on my contacts.

"Yeah, um, I have Heterochromia iridum. I was born this way." I tell them shyly. I never liked my eyes, I always felt like a freak when I was a kid because I was already different enough. So I wear contacts to hide them.

"I think it's awesome." Jeremy remarks offering me a smile.

"Me too," Allison agrees

"Me three,"Seth adds

This is what I love about them. Even though they know I'm weird they accept me and never make me feel like different. But I guess everyone is weird in some ways.

"Thanks, can we go to class now." I tell them trying to take the attention away from me.

"Yeah, lets go." Alison says we make our way down the hall.


The eighth period bells rings, and I start packing up my things into my bag. I can't be more happy to go home, I really have been feeling weird all day. Exiting the classroom I start walking down the hall, when I feel someone grab my arm.

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