4. Mixed Feelings

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Pulling into my driveway, I park my car and sit for a minute, resting my head on the steering wheel.

All I can think about is Vincent and how mysterious he is. Then he pops up at my school, like what was that about?

I just can't figure him out.

I know what I saw, and as much as I try to come up with reasonable explanations, I can't even come up with one without going into the impossible. It's making my brain hurt just thinking about it.

A few minutes later, I finally get out, and head inside my house. I walk inside, and kick my shoes off by the door.

"Rose? Is that you?" my dad yells from the living room.

"Who else would it be?" I ask, walking into the living room. My dad is plopped on the couch, his feet crossed at the ankles, resting them up on the leg of the sofa.

"It could've been one of my lady friends, you do know your old man is a hunk right? Everyone wants a piece of this."

"Gross." I reply scrunching my nose, as I walk out to the kitchen. I hear him behind me, groaning as he stands up from the couch.

I walk into the kitchen, and sit at the island. I bite my lip, pondering on about asking my dad a question. I don't know if I should, but I'll give it a try anyway.

"Dad, can I talk to you about something?" I ask, as he sits besides me. He studies me before answering.

"You know you can always talk to me about anything." he says resting his hand on top of mine. A gesture he always does, when we talk about something serious.

"Um, I met this boy recently, and I have questions about-"

"Okay, I've been preparing myself for this, I got this." my dad says to himself.

"Dad, what are you talk-"

"Okay rose, what do you want to know about? Sex? The boy anatomy? Are you sexually active ? Are you taking precautions?" He asks all at once.

I shift uncomfortably in my seat.

"Oh my god , dad no ! That isn't what I was talking about !" I shriek. I feel my cheeks starting to heat from embarrassment. This conversation just got awkward way to quickly. Leave it to my dad to make things awkward.

"Oh," he exhales, relief well written across his face. "What do you want to talk about then?" he asks confused.

"Like I was saying before," I started,"I met this boy recently, and I want to know about him, but he's so private about everything. what should I do?" I ask curiously.

I usually wouldn't go to my dad for boy advice, well mostly since I've really never had to, but also because boys usually aren't a hard thing for me. Vincent is just difficult.

"Well maybe that just means he has trust issues." He tells me, but it comes out more as a question. " If you say you just met him, how much do you want to know ?"

"I just want to know a few questions. That's all." I tell him, looking down at the counter.

"Like what ?" he asks.

"Um," I think about what I should say next without trying to sound crazy, but I fail horribly.

"I think I know what to do now dad. Thanks." I plaster a smile and place a kiss on his cheek.

I stand up from my seat and walk into the hallway.

"Wait," my Dad stops me, peaking from the corner. "You are still a virgin, right?" He asks pleadingly.

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