6. Meeting The Family

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The drive to Vincent's sister house didn't take very long, even though she lives outside of town, his reckless driving got us here soon enough. On the ride here the only information Vincent told me about them was that he doesn't get along with his family because he's different from them.

"The only person I can tolerate is my mother."  he told me.

I think it's kind of sad how dysfunctional his family is. I can't imagine me not being close to my dad, or mom.

I really wish it was different for him.

As we pull into the driveway I gasp in awe as the house comes into view.

The driveway is made from bricks in all different fall colors. It come's to an halt on the left side of the building that incorporates it by having a finished roof complete with white pillars and sand-colored archways.

It's stunning.

We exit the car and approach the cedar door installed between two frosted window panes. Vincent rings the bell and I take a step back to marvel the house I'm standing in front of. It's so weird, this house is so beautiful It makes me feel out of place, like I don't belong.

I step back to Vincent's side, and finally the door opens.

A middle aged woman appears in the doorway. She looks radiant, her long brown hair straight to her back, with beautiful green eyes. She flashes us a bright smile as she gracefully moves to hug Vincent.

She must be his mother.

"Hello, son." she smiles, giving him a warm hug. "I've missed you."

"Hello mother," he hugs her back awkwardly.

I've learned that Vincent doesn't like showing emotion very much, so I enjoy watching him hug his mother.

It's kind of funny.

His mother lets go of him and turns to face me, her eyes study me for a moment before she speaks.

"And who might you be?" she asks politely.

I suddenly feel nervous, hoping I don't say anything stupid.

"Um, My name is Rosalyn Parker." I tell her, offering a hand shake.

"Hello, I'm Margret James, Vincent's mother." she introduces herself, shaking my hand.

Her hand is cold.

"Vincent, why didn't you tell us you were bringing at guest?" She asks him.

"I didn't think it would matter. Can we just come inside now please." he replies, his voice sounding irritable.

"I'm sorry, how rude of me. Come in." she steps aside for us to come in. I'm amazed once again at the house. The inside is even more beautiful than the outside.

"They're both in the living room, follow me." she says walking down the hall, signalling us to follow.

I start to feel anxious, nervous that I'm actually meeting his family. I tug on the bottom of his shirt and he stops in place and looks down at me.

"What is it?" He asks hovering over me.

"I'm about to meet your family." I tell him, my voice unsteady.


"What if they don't like me?" I ask nervously.

He senses my anxiousness and puts his hands on my shoulders, stopping me from jittering in place.

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