5. No Sleep For Me

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I would like to dedicate this chapter to my friend, RaisaCoreschi Thank you, so much for everything. You were my first supporter, and I appreciate you so much ! Thank you :) xoxo.


Vincent is driving like a maniac.

He has one hand on the steering wheel, and his foot is practically stomping the gas as we accelerate down the road.

The headlights are illuminating the road in front of us, as we fly through the night. The only thing visible around us are the tall silhouettes casting from the trees as they reside in the darkness.

Curious as to how fast we are going, I look over at the speedometer and the red hand is on 80 mph.

Is he crazy ?!

"Can you please slow down?" I ask, my voice higher than usual from panic. "Are you trying to kill us?"

"I'm not going that fast." he says turning his head to look at me.

"Keep your eyes on the road!" I shout hysterically. He smiles and laughs heartily. His laughter is deep sounding. Mellow. Calming. Like a deep river washing over a path of stones. It oddly soothes me, making me less anxious than before.

I cross my arms, and rest my head back on the seat, plastering a hard scowl on my face.

"Are you upset?" he asks. I see him smile in the corner of my eye as he gives me a quick glance.

"No. I'm glad I humor you." I say looking out the window.

He slows down eventually and we continue to drive in comfortable silence until we finally pull into my driveway.

Vincent parks the car and takes the keys out of the ignition. I watch him as he gets out of the drivers seat and walks around the car, to the passengers side, to open the door for me.

"Thanks, but you didn't have to do that. I-"

"Don't worry about it." he says handing me my keys.

He walks me to my door, and I stop before I put the key in.

"Well, um. Thanks for driving me home, even though I was perfectly capable of driving myself." I say, giving him a faint smile.

"Your welcome." He replies, putting his hands into his pockets.

I bite my lip, unsure of what to say next.

"Okay, well, I gotta go." he says backing off of my doorstep. "Goodnight Rosalyn." he tells me before disappearing into the darkness.

"Goodnight Vincent." I utter quietly to myself, stepping inside my house.


"Rose. Get up !" a familiar voice rings in my ear.

Suddenly a loud, piercing stream of light explodes in my face, blinding me by it's brightness. Feeling disgruntled, I moan for more sleep. The devilish light of the sun begs for justice to win me over, but I don't budge. I turn on my side, and pull my duet over my head.

"Go. Away. Please." I say, my voice croaky from sleepiness.

Just then, I feel my duet being ripped off of my body. My tired demeanor immediately transfers into annoyance. I try to open my eyes, adjusting to the dim bedroom light. Turning on my back, I slowly open my eyes to see a grinning Jeremy hovering over me.

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