the way old friends do

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As the door opened, Benny automatically fell to his knees in front of his beloved. "Sorry!" He shouted "I'm so sorry! It's not my fault!" He hugged her waist tight. His head was pressed against her belly.
"Andersson! What the fuck! Stand up! Stand up, do you hear me!? Hey, did you drink something else?! Benny!" Frida looked at him and helped to stand up. "Benny, you're drunk..."
"Not drunk, no, never," he whispered, falling to his knees again
"Maybe? I don't remember! You left me in that goddamn bar!" He looked into her eyes utterly despairing.
Frida lifted his chin and took his hand. "Let's go to the bedroom." and they went to the bedroom "one second, I'll ask Agnetha if you can sleep here ..." and Frida shouted to Agnetha "Honey, can we sleep in your bedroom?"
He was holding on tightly. Like a little child. "Just don't dust this bedroom!" Agnetha screamed as she finished drinking the remaining beer in the bottle. Benny pulled her upstairs without thinking.
"THANK YOU!" Frida went upstairs with benny. "get down" Frida told Benny and pulled off his shoes.
"Leave me.." he pushed her slightly away from him "I'm not a baby!" He sighed in frustration as he looked at her with his piercing gaze.
"fine, fine!" She stood up and sat next to him. "You sure that you don't need my help?".
"Yes!" He blinked his eyes as he watched her closely for several minutes before he just fell asleep, forgetting the rest of the world.
"uh..." Frida sighed and covered him with a blanket.
"Sorry.." he muttered. He still could see no problem was drinking. He considered it just plain fun. He pressed his head into the pillow miserably. He never wanted to hurt her.
"benny, it's okay, fine? Don't think about it, it doesn't hurt." She pretends so, but it wasn't truth. "Sleep and don't think about it.."
The problem is, benny can't forget it. No matter how drunk he gets, he'll always know he's hurting her. Every time benny comes home drunk, he sees the disappointment in her beautiful green eyes. He always promises that it will change, never again, but he always breaks his promises. He can see the pain in her eyes, the pain that grows every time he hurts her like this. Benny drinks to forget about it all, to relax. He now stank of alcohol. He didn't want to hit her, he would never hit her. No matter how drunk he was, he would never hit her until today. Benny, seeing the tears in her beautiful eyes then, felt that he had to run away. He did not see any other option then. He acted like a total asshole. If he could, he would have stood up now, knelt down in front of her, and told her how much he loved her. How much he would do for his Frida, but unfortunately. Could not. He was not able to.
"benny, just sleep, i can see that you think about it... please, it's fine, hear me? It's fine...and now close your eyes and have some sleep...." Frida stroked his hair and looked at his eyes.
"No! You don't understand anything!" He shouted as he rose to a sitting position. "If you could have left me long ago! See how much pain I am causing you! See what is happening to us!" He looked at her confused, pushed her hand away aggressively.
"what the fuck is going on, benny!? Fuck, just sleep and relax! I better go" frida frowned and looked with a worry gaze.
"Best! Go and don't come back!" Did he really say that? Really? In the eyes of his beloved he noticed tears gathering up. He didn't mean it, but it was too late for that.
"Andersson! I'm gonna home, and you'll never come back to my house, hear me? Fuck you" Frida was angry with tears and could not understand why he treats her so badly.
"Fine! I'm not even going to come back!" he shouted in total anger. "Go! Go, only you can do the best!" The moment she left the room, he threw a glass for her. The glass hit the door breaking into many small pieces.
Frida heard the sound and entered the room. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE RIGHT NOW? ANDERSSON. WHAT ARE YOU DOING? WHAT??" frida was screaming in tears and sat on the bed.
"Anything, anything to get you out of your head!" He screamed, standing up suddenly, "If you don't want to leave, I'll fucking do it," he growled, throwing a glance at her. He left slamming the door behind him. He needed a drink, he needed alcohol, a lot.
Frida stood up and went to benny "wait, benny, wait, I'll go with you, please, we should talk..." She was still in her tears.
"No! We shouldn't do anything!" he pushed her away violently. "You better come back upstairs, it will do you better" he growled as he went to the kitchen to look for alcohol.
"benny, no! Talk to me! Please!" Frida screamed and followed him. In the kitchen frida took his hand.
"No! I'm not going to talk to you any more!" he pulled his hand away from her grip. Benny looked into her eyes deep. "You're even worse than before" he turned away from her
"what the fuck, benny? What the fuck?....i just love you! I LOVE YOU ANDERSSON!" frida screams and cries while sitting on the chair.
Benny grabbed a bottle of beer. One of the worst things for him was her screaming and crying. He wasn't in control, all he wanted at that moment was to drink and forget about it. "Oh! Sometimes there are more important things than love!" He yelled.
"what? What?! Don't you love me?! YOU DON'T LOVE ME? FINE! FUCK YOU!" Frida stood up and went to get a bottle of beer too.
Benny frowned. Did he really say that? Maybe, but it's too late now. "Give it back! You won't drink anything!" grabbed a bottle of beer from her.
"what!? Why can't i drink!? Give me!" Frida frowned and grabbed her bottle from him.
"We all know how it's going to end for you, but okay! Drink fucking drink!" He growled taking his bottle then just walked away from her.
Frida didn't wanna talk to him anymore and just went to their bedroom. She decided to satisfy herself, if benny can't do it. So she was drunk, why not.
For a moment Benny Andersson really wanted to come back to her, apologize to her and pretend everything was fine, but instead he just left the house full of frustration and anger. He was drunk more than usual, so he was going to the bar. Again.

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