Chapter Three : Otokagure

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An twelve-year-old Sena was seen standing in front of a large desk. Behind the desk was a throne-like chair where her father Orochimaru was seen sitting with his cheek resting against his hand.

"You wanted to see me, father?" She asked.

"Yes, my serpent Princess, I have a mission for you," Orochimaru replied.

"A mission? What kind of mission, my Lord?" Sena asked, realizing it was time to be serious.

Orochimaru's eyes gleamed before a sinister smile grew on his face."You will be entering the Chuinin Exams along with Dosu's team, but your mission is something different from there."

"I understand. What would you like me to do, and will I be entering alone, or am I on Team Dosu?" She asked.

"You will be a part of his team in the Chunin Exams, but while there to test Sasuke's strength after I give him the cruse mark. You are to grab him when the time comes, understand?"

"Yes, I understand, my Lord," She bowed in respect to her father.


Sena is woken up from her dream, startled from the memory of her first serious mission. She blinked a couple of times, clearing her head as she remembered everything that had happened two days ago.

Her father was killed by an emo boy that was so obsessed with killing his brother, something even her father couldn't pull off. In his passing, he left the rule of the village to her.

Sena sighed as she got up and stretched her arms and legs. She glanced around to see Makoto was still asleep and walked over to wake him up.

Makoto looked up at her, annoyed, until he realized it was his new master and bowed in respect and stood on up.

"Morning Lady Sena," He said.

Sena nodded as she got ready to continue the journey to Otogakure while Kabuto took down the traps they had set up for the night.

They then left the place they had used for camp after gathering their belongings.


Sena, Kabuto, and Makoto had made it into the Land of Rice Paddies, now known as the Land of Sound, which led to the capital and main area, Otogakure, where the kage Ceremony would be held. The hideouts and labs were located in other lands but still part of Otogakure.

The Fuma clan and many other clans watched curiously as they watched Sena walk into the lab.

"Isn't she Orochimaru, daughter?" One of the younger female members of the Fuma asked.

"Yes, she is wondering what ahe going to now that her father is dead?" A younger male member questioned.

"Who knows, but we should get prepared. A new kage will be announced soo, and let's hope things will be better with the new kage in charge," The Fuma head said to the younger members, talking.

'How dare they talk about my father like that. So what he wasn't always the nicest person. He helped fix up this wasteland a bit, even if he experimented on them. If he didn't take charge, the Daimyo would have used all the money for his need instead of on the land and food resources. Father convinced him to make him Kage in return; he would give the man a good amount of his cash.' Sena thought, annoyed.

Makoto looked at Sena and noticed that she seemed annoyed with people talking about her father for the way he ruled the land.

'I don't fully understand these emotions, but I can tell the look on her face doesn't look like a happy expression.' He thought, looking at


A couple of hours later, they had made it to the Capital, which was rebuilt and fixed up after being destroyed when Naruto, Jiraiya, and Sakura came here looking for Sasuke.

As soon as they arrived, they were greeted by a woman in her twenties. She has long dark brown hair and light brown eyes, and soft eyebrows. She was wearing a light blue dress and red sandals.

"If you would kindly follow me, Otokage-sama," She said, signaling for Sena to follow her.

Kabuto and Makoto looked at her seeing her slight hesitated expression.

"You sure I'm meant for the title of Otokage-Sama?" She asked.

"Yes, your father wanted you to take over one day," The woman replied. "My father, the Daimyo, had accepted it, believing you were an excellent candidate."

Sena nodded. "Alright, I'm ready."

"Good," The woman said, leading them into the Capital.

Sena was led into a room where she was measured for her Kage outfit. The Daimyo, the daughter, watched in the corner as an older man measured Sena.

"Alright, your robe and hat should be ready this evening before the inauguration tomorrow," The man said as he finished jotting down the measurements.

"Okay," Seana said, walking over to the Daimyo's daughter. "Shall we go?"

"Yes, I will show you to your room where you can work on your speech for tomorrow," She said. "We changed it up for you after storing away your father's stuff."

"Excellent, but you didn't have to do that. I wouldn't have minded if you kept it the way it was."

"We figured it would be painful seeing he was killed recently."

Sena nodded, seeing her point as they arrived at a room with a large red double door.

"Here is the Kage bedroom. I will show you the office  tomorrow when you officially begin your rule as the new Otokage."

"Yes, new Otokage," Sena said, opening the bedroom door as she continued to adjust to her new status.

She headed inside to see a queen-size dark purple bed instead of her father's old king-size red bed. There wan also matching nightstands, dressers, bedroom desk, and lamps as well but in a lighter purple.

'This isn't bad, but I could use a few pictures to make it more like home since I will be living here now got figure out what to do with the labs through.' She thought, walking over to her bed to rest a bit before working on her speech.

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