Chapter Four : Inauguration Ceremony

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The following morning Sena was just waking up from her sleep when a knock was heard on the other side of her bedroom door.

"You can come in!" Sena called out, sitting up in bed.

The door then opened as a man with short strawberry blonde hair and olive green eyes walked into the room.

"It's time to get ready for the Inauguration Ceremony," He said.

"Yes, of course," Ahe said, getting out of bed and walking over to the man.

"Now follow me so you can get change into the proper attire," He told her, leading her out of the room.


Sena was brought to the room she was in yesterday and headed her a purple short sleeve robe with black flames on it and a white and purple hat to put on as the older man left for her change.

As she finished up putting on the outfit. There was a knock on the door.


The door opened, and the older man and the lacy from yesterday entered the room.

"I take it everything fits perfectly with no problem," The lady said.

"Yes, shall we go now?"

"Yes, we shall follow me to the location of the Inauguration Ceremony," The lady replied."The name is Sachiko, by the way."

Sena nodded as she followed Sachiko out of the room. She was trying to keep her nerves from becoming the new kage under control as she was led to the balcony overlooking the village.

She blinked as she noticed the large crowd that had already gathered for the ceremony. She noticed how some of the shinboi seemed to separate themselves from the civilians.

Sena took a deep breath as she was signaled to come to stand up front, facing the crowd of people to give her speech soon. Out of the corner of her eyes, she spotted Makoto standing on a nearby roof with Kabuto standing to him wearing a cloak and his hood over his head.

'Where Kabuto going with that cloak.' Sena thought, looking at him for a few minutes.

An elder woman walked up and cleared her throat.

"If I may have your attention, I would now like to present to you the new Otokage!" The old lady said into a microphone as her old voice could carry far."She had been hand-picked by the former Otokage, Orochimaru himself!"

Sena narrowed her eyes at the lack of respect given to her father.

"If you would step forward..." The old woman motioned Sena towards the microphone.

"Introduce yourself," The old woman whispered in her ear.

Sena closed her eyes and took a deep breath for a second. She then straightened up and looked at the crowd with her snake eyes narrow and focused. "Before I get into my speech, I want all of you to know that my father and former Otokage will be treated with respect. You will all call him Lord Orochimaru or Orochimaru-sama, it doesn't matter how you address him, but you will use one of those ways when in my presence!" She announced in a stern voice.

Kabuto nodded, seeing Sena finally become more confident in herself as the next Otokage. Makoto just tilted his head to the side, wondering what Sena would say for her speech.

"Now, as you all know already, I'm the sixteen-year-old daughter of Orochimaru-sama! I might have just turned sixteen this year in January, and I'm proud to be given a chance to lead this village at a young age. Some of you might find me unqualified for my age, but my father doesn't since he choose me to take his place," She began as she stared at the crowd seriously, seeing unhappy faces looking at her."If you have a problem with me as the Otokage, you will use the proper channels and have the elders and officials at the Daimyo estate deal with it. Anyone who feels like they attack me will be marked as a traitor, and all traitors will be sent to the prison at the Southern Hideout and get to have fun with Karin Uzumaki!" She glared with her Byakugan activated, showing she was serious.

Kabuto glanced at the crowd and sighed, seeing how many people still weren't fans of Sena taking over. At the same time, Makoto continued to listen to her speech, wondering what she would say next.

"Now, I would like to assure you that I have no intention of leaving this village in a half-constructed state and will have the construction be continued and worked on. I also don't intend to be lax in terms or politics. There will be a healthy balance of both."

A good amount of people calmed down from that, happy that I would continue to construct the village into an official village. Some groups still stared at her in open disdain.

"I will also make sure we have proper resources. Food, clothes, and weapons are low at the moment, as you notice. I will change that and get more business built, and food is grown in land and village. As a shinboi village, we can't survive without those resources," Sena told them as she assured them that she would improve things."The last thing is that a shinboi village that dived against itself can't survive. You don't have to consider each other family, but you will respect each other to keep the village formed by Lord Orochimaru standing."

A few people smiled at that, but most people found it unsatisfying, not a fan of her father ruling of the village in the land.

"In summary, I will continue with the construction of this village, going to increase resources by making deals with businesses to get resources transported here for us, and will do everything I can to keep the village standing even if I have to stop a rebellion within the village," She smiled showing her snake fangs."Now I hope you won't disappoint me, as I work to improve the village, so I don't have to send you to prison!"

"We won't disappoint you, Lady Sena!" Makoto shouted in an emotionless voice.

Picking up on the obvious social cue, several people also began to yell that.

Sena nodded as she looked down at the crowd. She knew she had her work cut out for her, but it was worth keeping the village her father left her to rule, standing tall, and making her father proud.

Kabuto stood up and clapped, causing the others to join in as well.

The older lady motioned for Sena to bow, causing her to do so as the old lady announced. "With this, we now have the official new Otokage."

Sena nodded of acknowledgment before looking down at the crowd and sighed, turning behind her as she spotted a man with orange hair running towards her with a blade.

Sena lifted her arm and sent a large blue and orange snake out from her sleeve, wrapping it around the guy's waist, preventing him from hitting her with his blade."My first order is to send this assassin to the Southern Hideout prison cell!"

The assassin try to bring his blade closer to Sena's face trying to kill her.

"That pathetic poison won't harm me," Sena said, tossing the assassin on the floor and knocking him out." Get him out of out her before he tries anything else after waking up!"

Sena watched as a guard for the capital grabbed the assassin and carried him away. She nodded and looked down at the crowd.

"If I find out any of the other Fuma clan members were working with him, they will join him in the Southern Hideout as a prisoner for being a traitor!"

Sena sighed as she saw everyone tense, afraid to be punished. She wasn't ruthless, but if she had to act like it to get them to listen. Then she was going to try to be as scary and ruthless as she had to to get her plans in place.

'Father, I do everything I can to make this village stronger and you proud even if I have to give out a ruthless side of me to do so. Hopefully, the villagers will trust me soon.' She thought, heading to her new office to get her plans started.

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