Chapter 5: Date not a Date?

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It's been already a week and killua has been texting me nonstop. Every morning, every time I'm at work, every time I'm hanging out with my friends, or even just when I'm trying to sleep.

I dont hate it though, it kinda makes me feel happy in a way, god I sound so stupid right now. Even though killua has been texting me he never actually asked me to hang out or any of that but I'm totally fine with that, he is a busy person you know.


It's already 12:55 am and I need to head to work already. I clock in at 1:20 and I don't really wanna be late like last time, I grabbed my keys and hopped right into my car and started it up.

Traffic wasn't bad but that was till I pulled right up at the coffee shop. There was a huge crowd that was just blocking up the entrance, my anxiety was building up seeing alot of people but I had to go in.

Parking my car in the employee parking lot I entered the shop throught the back door and once I got in all I heard was my name being called.


I turn to look and see and it's my manager. She was quickly speed walking up to me and would pull me aside, I really hope I'm not in trouble.

"Yes ma'am?"

"Do you by chance know that boy right there??"

She pulls me to the counter and points at a white tall haired man sitting down with a cup of hot chocolate in his hands.

Of course I knew who he was and God why did he have to show up here at of all places.

"Yeah sadly I do know who it is ma'am"

"How did you not tell me you were friends with a popular singer?!"

She said shaking me by the shoulders like I'm some kind of hair spray.

"Ma'am I didn't think I would have to tell you about my outside life?"

"Yeah but that was till I found out he was your friend!"

Gosh I really wished I stayed home now. I can't even do my job when there's this many people around.

"Do you think I can go home as of today ma'am?"

"Why of course not, We had a ton of customers to attend to now!"

"But ma'am I don't really think I can work in this kind of situation-"

"Nonsense you'll do just fine out there now go out there and start collecting orders"

She grabs me by the arm and throws me into the crowd of customers. Jesus I do wish I had stayed home today, right as I take a look around I saw so many people staring at me which made me so uncomfortable.

I look away and locked eyes with killua we both look at each other before he waves at me to come over. He had a wide grin and didn't seem bothered by how many people that were here.

I really didn't want to approach him but I would look like an idiot if I didn't move, so I walked over to him with a very upset look.

"Hey gon it's nice to see you. It's been awhile hasn't it"

"Why are you here"

I said putting both hands onto the table being really pissed and nervous at the same time.

"Well can't I come here to drink some good old hot chocolate"

He had that nasty evil simle of his and I just wanted to smack it right off but I couldn't. That would be assault and I don't really want to go to jail for hitting an idiot.

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