Alpas - 2

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Alpas (v.)
Definition- To become free; to break loose
Pronunciation- (al-puh-s)
"I will love you no matter what. It's your choice of where you want to go. I love you. We have to go now we don't want to be late." Jeanine said. I pulled my blouse over my bra as we stared off towards the Hub.
My eyes swept the ginormous room and saw lots of colors all around- grey for Abnegation, blue for Erudite, black and white for Candor, red and yellow for Amity and black for Dauntless. Marcus Eaton was the Abnegation host for this year's Choosing Ceremony. He presented a long speech causing me to zone out until I heard my best friend's name called.

"Will Byers!" He hesitantly picked up the knife and cut into his hand. He took a long look at the bowls and finally I heard the sizzling coals of Dauntless. "Dauntless," Marcus announced. OMG YESSSSS!!! He's going to Dauntless with me!

"Peter Hayes!" A familiar boy stood up and walked up to the bowls. It was Candor boy. That's Candor boy's name huh? Again, I heard the sizzle. "Dauntless!" Damn he's going to make initiation there hell. Guess I'll have to return the favor.

Even more names were called until I heard my name being called. My heartbeat was pumping really loud, I was so excited to leave Erudite.

"Kadei Matthews!" I walked up to the bowls, grabbed the knife and gently pushed the blade into the side of my hand. Without a second thought, I strutted to the coals and let my blood flow over them. "Dauntless!" I didnt dare look at Jeanine. I was finally able to break free from Erudite.

I went to go sit down in the Dauntless crowd but,  both of the seats by Will were taken, the only one I could see that was available was the one next to Candor boy, Peter. I raised my eyebrows at him and he patted the seat gesturing for me to come sit down. I sat down and tried my best to ignore him. But he just wouldn't shut up.

"Hey, I wanted to say that I was sorry for the whole fighting thing. We got off to a bad start and I think we could be friends. You know, as long as you don't end up factionless." Candor boy was apologizing?! He smirked at that but I replied, "We'll see about that Candor boy, I think you'll be the one factionless. For now though, I suppose we can be friends just don't be a bitch." "Okay, I'll try my best." I rolled my eyes and just left it at that because half of Dauntless were already out the doors at a full sprint.

I leaped out of my chair and tugged on Peters arm to get him moving. "Race ya," I shouted at him. He gained speed and when he started catching up I ran even faster and so did he, but he was still slower than me. We then followed the single file line to climb on the ladder. I was still ahead of him. I smirked at him and he gave me the coldest death stare I've ever seen. I laughed silently, he looked so pissed off.

I climbed the ladder and almost slipped. I laughed very loudly because I was being so clumsy. He was catching up to me so I regained myself and picked up the pace. A train was coming our way and people started running with it. One by one, they jumped into it. I sprinted as fast as I could but I looked behind me and saw Peter falling behind. I jumped into the train and started cheering Peter on. Somehow, he found extra speed and was running faster than I was earlier. Hmm...he definitely has potential for Dauntless. He had big muscles too.

I was drawn out of my thoughts as he jumped onto the train. "You finally made it," I snickered. "Shut up," he laughed, shaking his head. It then hit me that I just left Will in the dust. I looked around the train car and saw him by some other people so I just let him be.

"Come meet my other friends," Peter told me. I followed him and we stopped in front of a girl and a boy. He gestured to the girl, "This is Molly, transferred from Candor," he announced. She had dark eyes, dark shoulder lengthed hair with bangs, broad-shouldered, crooked teeth, a large nose and was maybe 2 inches taller than me, shorter than Peter but taller than the boy she was sitting next to. "Hey Molly, I'm Kadei." "Nice to meet you Kadei." Peter then gestured to the boy, "This dumbass goes by the name Drew, he's also a transfer from Candor." He was a gingey, he was fairly short- shorter than me but he was built like a boulder. I smiled a bit and said, "Hey Drew." "Hello Kadei."

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