Redamancy - 15

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Redamancy (n.)
Definition- The act of loving someone who loves you back; a love returned in full
Pronunciation- reed-uh-min-see
After everyone got the injection, we all stood in a line, looking ahead like soldiers. I could see Four glancing at me from the corner of his eye, quickly resetting as Eric marched past us. We all glanced at one another after he continued sorting through the crowd, relieved he didn't notice anything that would reveal our divergence.

I wanted to snort at Will, imagine not being divergent. It had advantages and disadvantages but I was glad to be divergent right now or else I would be in deep shit.

All of us were programmed by the injection, under a spell. Well, us acting but the others were completely taken over by the evil of the injection. I had begun to feel bad but a handful of them did things I didn't know I could forgive them for, Christina and MAYBE Tris I could. But I knew deep in my heart that I could never forgive Will. And it broke my heart. He was my best friend for years and then all of a sudden, he just...he just changed, inexcusably for the worst.

And then, the beginning of chaos began.
We marched in an array containing everyone of Dauntless, except for leaders and commanders. They of course, got to remain as they were. Unharmed, in control and selfish.

We kept going straight, following Four, until our group collided with Eric with his little minion Max a few feet to his left. Specifically, it was me who had come in range to Eric. I was stood right in front of him, unresponsive and robotic. I didn't answer a thing, I kept my expression the same and looked straight ahead, as if I was staring into space, into the distance behind the smug little bastard. He opened his mouth, probably to insult me.

"Well well well. What have we got here? Kadei fucking Matthews. The legendary bitch. A mindless drone. You were first in your class, now you're...nothing." He smirked an ugly smirk, his face fading into confusion when I stayed unresponsive. He snapped his fingers in my face.

"I think she might be... There's only one way to find out. Say goodbye asshole." He cocked his gun and aimed at my forehead. "Goodbye."

Peter snuck up behind Eric and had his gun aimed at his temple. I trained my gun on Max, who had his trained on Peter. It was a circle, a circle of a risk of death. For everyone. "Move and you die!" I spat at Max. Unexpectedly, Eric talked before Max.

He chuckled. "Lover girl and lover boy? Two lovers. Two dead lovers." Finally, Max said something. "You can't let a single Divergent slip through. This is what happens." "He's not going to shoot me," Eric said lazily.

Peter was quick to reply. "Think you might be overestimating my character." Eric knocked down Peter's gun, so it was aimed toward the gun and Peter was already pulling the trigger just milliseconds before Eric did so, causing Peter to shoot Eric in the foot. One gunshot. Eric fell to the ground and I took care of Max. I knocked my gun upwards, hitting Max's jaw, hard, like it would probably be broken. He too, fell to the ground. Peter and I didn't waste any time, we got the hell outta there. "Run!" Another gunshot.

I looked at Peter fearfully. "You were hit?" He grunted in pain. "Yeah." I looked behind me and saw Four and Uriah were nowhere in sight. I had to leave, as much as I hated it, I had to leave, with Peter. "Four gave me directions earlier! Follow me!" Peter announced.

It wasn't so much following though. Peter tucked me behind him the whole time, making sure he would get the blow if something happened. I walked backwards, he walked forwards, we kept the same pace so I didn't step on him. I kept my gun cocked in case anything sudden happened.

The next thing I knew, we were at the Abnegation train tracks. We hopped on and hid in the shadows away from the opening. I huffed a sigh and leaned my head back. I took a look at the injury on Peter's arm. Surprisingly, it wasn't bleeding too extreme, in fact most of it was already dried up. Peter gently placed his hand on my thigh and gave me a painful smile. "Back to Dauntless beautiful." I took a deep breath. "Back to Dauntless," I repeated. Just as the train started to move, 2 more people jumped on.

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