Candor - 3

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Candor (n.)
Late Middle English
Definition- The quality of being open and honest in expression; frankness
Pronunciation- kan-dr
I walked into the dorm, it was pretty big but the bathrooms had no curtains. Um, no. Im going to have to make friends with Four because there's probably a bathroom for Dauntless leaders here WITH curtains or stalls. That's first on my list, making friends with Four. I decided to go claim a bed, top or bottom bunk? I didn't even have to think about it. I scrambled to the top bunk and Al took the bottom bunk. Peter took the top bunk across the room from me and Drew took that bottom bunk. Tris and Christina were sharing a pair of bunk beds. Will shared a pair with Edward and Molly was left with Myra to share a pair.

Everyone agreed to go to sleep so when everyone fell asleep, I snuck out to go find a damn decent bathroom. I decided to go to the Hub to look first but I got lost on my way there. Fortunately, I kept track of my turns so I knew exactly how to get back to the dorm. I took a left and saw a room of what looked like a lab. I turned around and a few moments later I took a right. I walked into the room and it appeared to be an abandoned bathroom! Yes! Mission accomplished.

It wasn't by any means dirty, it was very clean which meant it hadn't been used for years. There was a little hallway in the room- separating the mens and the womens section. There was only one shower and one toilet in the womens so I assumed it was the same for the mens. It even had a lock on the door so that was a bonus. I was definitely keeping this a secret. I'm claiming this as my bathroom now. I leaped into the shower and discovered it had a water heater too. Could this bathroom get any better? This was definitely my bathroom. I ended up taking the shower for one whole hour. I needed it terribly. I decided to stay for a bit longer because I didn't want to go back to the dorms, it smelled like sweat in there. Another hour later I started to get tired and I was starting to leave. I kept track of the turns so I followed my footsteps back to the dorms and I had one more turn to go until I bumped into someone.

__PETER'S POV__ (starting from when Kadei was about to leave)

I woke up in the middle of the night because I couldn't get comfortable. I turned on my side and saw that Kadei wasn't lying on her mattress. In fact, she was nowhere to be seen in the dorm. Being the good friend that I am, I went to go search for her. I started walking in...I don't even know where I was going to be honest but then I ran into her.

"Jesus Kadei, where the hell were you?" "Ummm...uh..if I tell you, you can't tell ANYONE, promise?" "I promise," I replied skeptically. "Okay....I was wandering around looking for a decent bathroom and I found an abandoned one but it was still in perfect shape. It's pretty large sized too. There's a mens and a womens section. You can't tell anyone okay? Since I told you, I'll go show you where it is so you know how to get there." "Did you really find a good bathroom? Oohhhhh thank you so much for telling me and I promise I wont tell anyone."

It was funny how dramatic she was over a bathroom. But I'm not complaining, I get to use it now too. She lead me to the bathroom a few minutes later. "Go take a look around." I walked in and it was muchhh better than the ones in the dorm. I can't believe she was this lucky to come across it. Awesome, I have my own bathroom and so does she. We're lucky sons of bitches. I was definitely taking a shower here tomorrow. If I remember how to get back here that is.

"I'm tired now let's go," Kadei said. "Yeah, I'm tired too. You're going to have to text me directions to this place because I have no idea how to get back here." We exchanged numbers and then continued back to the dorm. We were allowed to keep our phones and other devices like earbuds but we didn't get to keep much else than that. (I put that phone part in bc it'll make sense later on ;)) I climbed into bed almost falling asleep instantly.

_____KADEI'S POV_____

The next morning, Will had to shake me awake. 6 hours of sleep was all I got. That's it. I lied in bed for a long time before realizing I had to be at training in 10 minutes. I didn't even have time to eat breakfast, I'd rather sleep than eat though so I didn't really care. I was the only one left in the room. Since we had to burn our old clothes, I wore my only Dauntless outfit. I needed to go shopping to get more clothes. I hurriedly put my hair into a fishtail braid and rushed to the training room.

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