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People started to talk at school and Steve was in the middle of it. For a while now he was starting to get back his title as "king" again. That was until the rich and spoiled kids noticed he was spending time with Eddie. Steve has heard some of the most disgusting and outlandish things coming from these people, and all of it wasn't true.

"I heard that he has like all kinds of ritual shit in his room." Charlotte said watching Eddie leave the cafeteria with a disgusted look. Steve didn't know what to do, he should've said something about how rude Charlotte was being but he stayed silent.

Steve was sitting with Charlotte and her friends at lunch. If there was anywhere else to sit he definitely would've been far away by now. Charlotte was very flirty with him and she wasn't the type to hide it either, Steve stopped liking girls like her as of late.

Everyone at the table laughed at her joke even though it was the cruelest thing you could say about someone. They noticed Steve wasn't laughing, which was unusual because he would always laugh at a joke like that.

"You alright Harrington?" Johnny asked Steve directly. He was another guy at the table. Johnny was all the jock stereotypes in one human body and that made him admirable around school.

"It's just... you guys don't always have to talk shit about people." Steve felt the need to say something, especially about someone he considered a friend. The mood was killed slightly by the serious tone of Steve. Charlotte on the other hand didn't care.

"Oh my god! Did he get you too Steve?" Charlotte said dramatically as she put her hands on Steve's face like he was extremely sick. That made the table laugh again and dismissed Steve's previous comment. "Come on Steve loosen up. I don't even know why you're sticking up for that freak."

"He's not a freak!" Steve yelled out of frustration. The cafeteria fell silent and looked at Steve with concerned looks. Charlotte's eyes widened as she slowly started to eat a fry that was on her tray.

"He's not a freak, ok?" Steve said quietly. The stares eventually stopped and the cafeteria went back to being noisy. Steve felt uneasy at the table after that outburst, he's never done that before.

"Jeez Steve what's gotten into you?" Kelly asked with genuine concern. She was at the table as well and most of the bad things that would be said was never by her. Laughing would be her default reaction and stay silent for the rest of lunch.

"I think Steve's been hanging out with him a little too much. Why is that Steve? Trying to make a deal with the devil or something?" Charlotte continued to joke about Eddie being the "devil" and how weird he was. Steve knew it was coming from a place of insecurity and hurt.

"I hang out with him because he's actually cool, Charlotte. Just because he doesn't wear designer clothes and bully people doesn't mean he's weird. If anything you would be the weird one." Steve was getting irritated with this conversation. He never noticed how horrible people were to others when they're not "normal" in their eyes. It reminds him of when he was younger and he did the same thing, he vowed to never be that person again.

"My god Steve calm down. Can I not make a joke anymore?" Charlotte rolled her eyes at him. "When did you become so sensitive?"

Steve would happily take being known as a sensitive guy if it meant no more jokes about his friends. In that moment he had a perfect idea and how the two worlds could collide.

"Hey, Eddie should play with his band at your party this Friday." Steve already invited Eddie anyway so maybe this could be an astonishing moment for everyone involved. Charlotte almost choked on her food after hearing what Steve had said.

"I am not letting him play at my party and he isn't invited anyway." Charlotte shivered at the thought. Steve hated how she was overreacting about another human being who was no different from her.

"You didn't invite him but I did. He's crazy on the guitar, please Charlotte?" Steve turned on his charm to a thousand. Charlotte wasn't to fond about the idea but Steve wasn't someone she could say no to.

"Fine. I'll ask my brother to set up his old band set. You owe me for this." Charlotte said flashing a smile at Steve. Things were staring to come together and Steve was confident that nothing could go wrong.


School continued as usual and when it finally came to an end, everyone was happy. Steve was in the crowd of student as the bell ringed and it was time to go home. Steve walked to his car like he always do and while doing so he noticed a familiar face standing by his car.


"Hey Nance, everything alright?" Steve asked as he got closer to her. She looked like herself and nothing seemed off. Steve still felt like he should worry even when there wasn't a reason to be.

"Yeah I'm fine," Nancy nodded. "I just needed a ride home because my mom can't get me today." She crossed her at the thought of her mom. Steve was relieved by Nancy telling him that, he already had enough going on in his life.

"Ok that's fine." Steve got into the car and Nancy followed his lead. On the way to Nancy's house the two of them started to catch up about how their lives was going and school stuff.

"Are you going to Charlotte's party?" Steve asked out if curiosity. Nancy wasn't really a party girl but she would go on certain occasions and if she had her friends come with her.

"I don't know, I haven't really thought about it. Are you?" Nancy looked at Steve waiting for his answer.

"Yeah, I'm going with Eddie." Steve responded casually. Nancy looked like she's seen a ghost. She began to panic and Steve noticed it immediately.

"I don't think that's a good idea Steve." Nancy was worrying about the effects of Eddie going to Charlotte's party. That crowd wasn't exactly the nicest when it came to people who were different from them. Steve ignored her worrying tone and let her words disappear from his mind.

"You're starting to sound like Charlotte. Eddie is a cool guy and he going to that party." Steve was sick of hearing the same thing over and over again, people needed to stop putting a limit on who can have fun.

"I'm not saying he shouldn't but Charlotte and her friends aren't exactly good people Steve, you know this." Nancy tried to explain to Steve but he wasn't listening.

"Maybe after this party they will be. Everyone just needs to give him a chance." Steve had faith in his statement and he stood proudly on it. This Friday was going to be the day were everything was going to change.

For the better.


The next chapter might be harsh and even I'm afraid to right it. Other than that I hope you all are still enjoying the book 🥰

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