Chapter 5: Operation: Construction

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Sometime Later

After Eir and her entourage were fixed they began to establish a base...

MIMR: alright. I propose we establish a base.

Charlotte: where though? we can't exactly build a base here... there might be inhabitants on this planet!

MIMR: hmm... true. we shall cover our tracks, relocate and build a base there. how does that sound?

Charlotte: perfect!

then with the help of MIMR's Drone Bodies and Charlotte's Techno Zerg, they began to terraform their environment as if nothing ever crashed there!

Techno Drones ground up stones and laid them on the ground, Techno Alphasaurs plowed the land with their giant mechanical blades, and Techno Pestilisks burrowed underground and mixed and aerated the soil!

1 Hour Later

they are done terraforming the crash site as if nothing ever crashed there!

MIMR: what are we gonna do with the Techno Zerg? we can't exactly leave them here.

Charlotte: well... we do need a base. and our base is gonna need protection!

MIMR: hmm... most wise. should we build it here?

Charlotte: let's relocate. those monsters I encountered might bring back up and attack us.

MIMR: agreed.

and so they left the crash site and set forth a journey into unknown lands 

Eir's engines are roaring and full of energy

MIMR: engines are ready!

Charlotte: I'll take Buzzard! someone needs to lead the Techno Zerg.

MIMR: alright then.

Eir's door opened and Buzzard came rushing out

Charlotte's eyes glow violet

Buzzard: VROOM!!! VROOM!!!

Buzzard hovers in front of Charlotte as Eir ascends and uses her sensors to scan the next area

MIMR: the next area is perfect for our base of operations. a very large and enclosed valley protected by mountainous natural barriers. with nothing in sight.

Charlotte: how about resources?

MIMR: searching... searching... searching... searching... searching... search complete. we will need to mine for them.

Charlotte: well that's what our Techno Drones are for!

MIMR: then let us go.

it took them a while to reach the Valley due to its mountainous natural barriers... to which Eir flew over with ease, the Techno Zerg dug to the other side, and Charlotte and Buzzard hovered their way across the mountains.

Charlotte: this place is awesome! I like it! nice work MIMR.

MIMR: as always. now then onto business. as I said earlier the resources we need are somewhere deep inside these mountains. so let's start digging.

MIMR ordered the Techno Drones to mine for resources... after an estimated 5 hours or so of constant digging and a lot of cave-ins the Techno Drones have found the resources... though they're very different than what Charlotte nor MIMR expected them to be...

the Techno Drones brought back what seems to be Crystals... that radiated immense power... more than normal and rich Minerals... all of them differ in color; red, yellow, blue, and white...

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