Chapter 7: What is so great about Gilderoy Lockhart?

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A/N: HEY HEY HEY GUYS! SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG. HOPE YOU LIKE IT! How's your summer going so far? It's very very very hot in my country :( ENJOOOOOOOOOY!


We made our way to Florish & Blotts and I had my arm around Harry the entire time. It's like if I let him go for just a second he would disappear again. "I have so much to tell you." He while walking. "Is it good news?" I asked. "Not exactly..." Then again, we couldn't really avoid the unusual happenings in our lives.

Once we arrived in the bookstore... the whole place was packed with people. Right outside was a sign and it had a picture of a man with blond hair and a flashy smile. Underneath the picture, "Gilderoy Lockhart" was written. So this is the guy Katrina's been obsessing over. I thought. I looked at the picture once more before we entered the store. What's so great about Gilderoy Lockhart?

We approached a family of redheads and the first thing I thought was... this is probably Ron's family. A woman turned and saw us coming. "Oh Harry!" she said embracing him. "Thank goodness!" she pulled away and started brushing off the dirt from his clothes. I looked at the boy beside the woman and it was... "Hey Ron!" I greeted him, "hey!" he greeted me back.

"Um mum, this is Angelica... Harry's sister." Ron said introducing me to his mother. "Oh hello Angelica dear." She said and enveloped me into a big hug as well. "Hello Mrs. Weasley, pleasure to meet you." I said as I pulled away. I could've done a curtsy if it wasn't so crowded in this place.

"Mummy he's here!" a little girl in front of Mrs. Weasley squealed. "Ladies and Gentlemen, Gilderoy Lockhart!" someone said and everyone burst into a round of applause and the guy from the picture walked out wearing sapphire blue robes. I looked beside me and Hermione was clapping enthusiastically. Oh come on, not her too?

I was pushed aside by a man, "excuse me little girl, this is for the daily prophet." I rolled my eyes, crossed my arms and stood next to Harry. "What's so great about this guy?" I asked. "No idea." He muttered. We watched as Lockhart posed for the pictures. His eyes drifted from the camera to... to... us. Here we go.

"It can't be..." he muttered. "The Potters!" Everyone turned to look at us. Great. "Potters!" the camera man grabbed Harry by the sleeve of his shirt, Harry held on to my hand as the camera guy pushed him toward Lockhart, me trailing behind him. Lockhart pulled us beside him and muttered, "Nice big smile children, together you and I make the front page." But the camera already flashed before I could even do something with my face.

"Ladies and Gentlemen what an extraordinary moment this is. When these young children stepped into Florish and Blotts this morning to purchase my autobiography, Magical Me..." I was about to correct him that we were here to purchase our school books "Actually--" I attempted but I was cut by a loud applause from the audience. "Which incidentally," he continued "is currently celebrating its 27th week on top of the Daily Prophet's bestseller list." Again, applause from the audience.

I turned to look at Harry and he shrugged at me. Awkwaaaaard. "They had no idea, that they would in fact be leaving..." he called someone beside him and two men carrying a load of books came over and handed them to us. "With my entire collected works, free of charge." The audience gave him another round of applause. "Um, thank you Mr. Lockhart." I said but he was too busy posing for another picture. I looked at Harry, "let's go." I said and we left.

We approached the Weasleys and Mrs. Weasley was... overly-excited. "Let me have those, I'll get them signed." She said taking Harry's book. "Um, are you sure you can handle all this Mrs. Weasley?" I asked "I could help you get them signed. They are quite a lot." "Oh sure a little help won't hurt. All of you wait outside." She directed. "I'll be right back." I told Harry and he nodded. "Hello Angelica." A pair of voices greeted. "Hello Fred, Hello George!" I greeted them as we made our way through the front.

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