Chapter 16: I thought elves only worked for Santa

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I was sure Madam Pomfrey said something about going back to the dormitory. But she also said that she'll be back and it's been two hours since she said that and she never came back so I just decided to stay right where I am, next to Harry. I watched over him as he would take a nap and when he wakes up he and I would usually just chat, especially about that bludger and who might've tampered with it.

"Do you think it's Malfoy?" he asked me and I shook my head at him, "You're overestimating his abilities too much, don't you think?"

"Yeah but I'm pretty sure he wanted to humiliate me," Harry shrugged, well he lifted his one shoulder up since his other arm hurts too much to move even just a bit. "And it's too risky to do such thing. I'm pretty sure also, that he cares a lot about staying in Hogwarts as much as he cares about winning that game." I told him.

"Well then, who? Snape?" he suggested.

"After what he did last year? I don't think so." I said, remembering about a big revelation about Snape last year and how he was trying to protect my brother from Quirrell. I still don't understand why. "Do you think, Quirrell is still alive?" Harry asked and I rolled my eyes, "Harry, are you getting sleepy or are you just naturally stupid?" I asked. "Shut up." He said and I laughed. "Seriously though, you need to get some sleep before Madam Pomfrey comes back to scold you to do so."

"Okay, but so will you. You need to get back to your dormitory to sleep." He told me. "I'll stay here for a little while longer." I told him, he gave a look and I just said, "please?"

"Alright, fine," he sighed "but it's not my fault if Madam Pomfrey comes and she scolded you." And I shrugged, "I can live with that." And he went to sleep. I just watched him as he slept and constantly looking around in case Madam Pomfrey comes back. However I found myself falling asleep right after too.


Harry's POV

Kill... kill... KILL...

My eyes snapped open at the sound of that familiar eerie voice. Every time I hear that voice it seems as if it's either close to where I was or moving somewhere else. I looked to my side and saw Angelica sleeping peacefully. I sat up carefully trying not to shake her awake as well as not to inject too much pain in my mending arm in the process. I took my glasses from the table at my bedside and looked at the ceilings; the voice was still there chanting kill...kill...kill...

What is that?

It was moving. I tried to follow where the voice was going; my sight going from the ceiling above me down to two eyes the size of golf balls staring straight up at me.

"Hello!" Dobby greeted me with a smile and I gave a yelp. Angelica stirs.


Angelica's POV

I heard Harry gave a cry of shock and my eyes immediately opened. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, "Harry? What's the matter? Is Madam Pomfrey there?" I asked.

"Miss Potter!" a squeaky voice said, "What a pleasure to meet you!" wait, what?

"Harry who---"I gently opened my eyes and put on my glasses and my sight adjusted to the scene in front of me. A little creature with long ears, long nose and huge eyes was standing on Harry's bed and was looking at me.

I gaped at the creature, "" I struggled to find my words as I stared at his huge eyes. "Hello, who might you be?" I asked cautiously.

"I'm Dobby, miss. Dobby, the house elf." He said while giving me a tiny bow. Dobby... where have I heard that name before? And then it hit me, I whipped my head towards Harry's direction. He was staring at Dobby with a face I couldn't read. Dobby looked at Harry and said "Harry Potter should've listened to Dobby! Harry Potter should've gone back home when he missed the train!"

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