Chapter 12: Malfoy has seriously crossed the line

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After that disastrous event, fortunately the classes after that took a good spin and no more pixies or anything devilish were unleashed in the classroom. I had my scratches cleaned in the hospital by Madam Pomfrey. It wasn't much, but it stings a lot.

"That's going to leave a bad mark." Katrina commented while brushing her messy hair. "You're helping. Thank you." I said sarcastically, gently touching my cheek. When dinner came I was so tired and hungry I almost ate half of the plate of chickens laid out in front of me. Harry went over to our table and sat next to me.

"Hey how's that scratch?" he asked. "It hurts." I replied. "It really isn't that big of a deal, but it hurts."

"Yeah, it's as if the scar on our forehead isn't enough, eh?" He joked and I groaned, "I know." "Anyway, I thought of something." He started. "Yeah?"

"I should probably avoid Lockhart from now on. Don't you think?" He told me and I nodded. "We both should. He's a headache." "And I always feel humiliated around him. I mean it's not like he does that on purpose and all but he keeps talking about fame and celebrities and all... it makes me uncomfortable." I wrapped an arm around my brother and gave him a half hug. "Awwwww big bro, don't let him bother you okay? Besides, this is the only place you, even I, feel happy! At least you're not with your aunt and uncle" I suggested.

"Now that I think about it, you have a point." He said. "See!" I grinned. "Now I better go to the common room and I am very sleepy. I'll see you tomorrow" "See you, Angelica." He smiled and I stood up and left the Great Hall.


The next few days came out well; we already had a bunch of home works by day 3. During the weekends I decided to wake up and early, pause the school works for a while and maybe roam around the castle. I hardly think there's anything wrong with that. I woke up quiet early on Saturday and found a comfortable shirt and jeans and went down to the Great Hall. Some seventh years were already there discussing something, some professors were already at the head table having their breakfast.

I went over to our table which only had 10 or 8 students and I grabbed some toasts and went to walk around the castle. It's funny how even simple hallways remind of simple memories. It suddenly made me think I wonder what are the new memories that I'll create this year? I do hope I'll make memorable ones, the happy kind of memorable. Not the this-will-haunt-my-dreams-tonight memorable.

I went out in the field, by this time was sun was already up and I noticed Hermione and Ron were in the stands. I went over to them, "Good Morning!" I greeted them.

"Oh hello Angelica!"

"Hello Angelica!"

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked, taking a bite from my toast. "Harry left us a note this morning, said he has Quidditch practice. We thought we could watch them." Ron answered. "Oh! That's nice, can I watch too? I mean I'm in a different team but, hey I support Harry!" I said. "I supposed you can, come here sit next to me!" Hermione said moving aside to leave a space for me to sit on. I went up and took the seat beside her.

Just then Harry and the Gryffindor Quidditch team went out in the field. Harry spotted us and ran over to us. "Are you done yet?" Ron asked him. "Haven't even started." Harry said, he looked tired and sleepy. "Do you want some?" I offered him a toast. He took one, "thanks. Wood's been teaching us new moves." He added. "By the way what are you doing here, Angelica?"

"I thought of waking up early to walk around then I saw them." I answered. "Oh okay, I have to go now." He said mounting his broom, "Goodluck!" I called out before he flew away. I watched as he soared up in his broomstick, I saw the gentle smile playing his lips while he flew. He must really love flying. I couldn't blame him; I suddenly missed having flying lessons.

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