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I wiped the sweat off of my forehead and heaved out a heavy sigh after sweeping the last few bits of dirt on the floor. Some children can get naughty sometimes and leave so much dirt without even taking any consideration of the poor teenager who’s going to clean up all their mess. I picked up the dust pan and threw its contents to the garbage can outside, and then I went back inside and placed the cleaning materials in the drawers. Then I went inside the kitchen to clean my face.

The kitchen was empty.


I turned to look at the dining and saw everyone there, partying. What’s the occasion? Its Avery’s birthday and Miss Azalia threw a massive birthday party for her. HOOOOOORAY. Who’s not invited? MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

I used to have a birthday party like that, I thought bitterly. But no… it was ruined by today’s birthday girl. Why don’t I ruin her party? It’s just fair right? Blow the cake before she does, open the gifts before she does or just shove her face into the cake and throw the gifts at her head. Too mean? You should’ve seen what she did to me last year; she practically beat me I mean really, that got blood squirting out of my body in seconds.

So why don’t I give her a taste of her own medicine? Why don’t I beat her too?

Because I just know she can’t handle what I can do. WHOA, conceited girl over here. But really she can’t. And that knowledge already satisfies me.

I’m a witch. As odd as it may sound but, believe, me I’m not lying here.  Just last year a woman came to the orphanage dressed in a long emerald green cloak and informed me about my whole identity, my past and of course one person that I searched heaven and earth for, well not exactly. She brought me to a school where I learned how to control and improve my abilities. At the same time I found this person who I’m supposed to look for. Who will stay by my side no matter what. Who is probably the last person I could ever consider my family.

He’s my twin brother, Harry Potter and he’s the best brother anyone could ever ask for.

I wonder how Harry is, though. I miss him so much.


Back to the story, I was bitterly gazing out into the dining room as I watched Avery blow the candles.

When the candles were out everyone clapped and cheered for her, Mrs. Azalia was clapping enthusiastically for her. I can see Miss Audrey clapping as if it was against her own will. Then my eyes landed on Avery and she caught my eye, she smirked at me as if to say jealous?

I gave a look that said, No and I just stuck out my tongue at her and her smirk just grew wider. I turned away from Avery and went outside. Since the only place where I could find my inner peace and reconnect my soul is completely ruined now (thanks to miss birthday girl, over there) I linger in the minute playground that was made for the children. I sat on the swings and kicked the dirt off the ground. I breathed another heavy sigh and looked up at the heavens. Harry, I miss you I said mentally.

I wonder how he is. Is he doing well? Or are those wretched relatives of him making his life a living hell? I sent a letter to him via owl but he didn’t reply. I’ve been getting messages from my friends: Katrina, Laurence and Luigi over the break. And most of the time when an owl comes rapping at our window the kids would either freak out about it or gawk at the beautiful thing. Meanwhile Mrs. Azalia goes on ranting about such birds flying around her orphanage and causing illness to her orphans.

I got one from Laurence that said they’re having a family vacation and they’re going to America. VERY LUCKY.

She promised to write letters to me when she got there and I have been receiving some telling me about the country and its beauty and she also promised to get me something. Though he’s her brother, Luigi wrote to me too, which delighted me so much.

The Story Continues (A Twist in the Story book 2)Where stories live. Discover now