Chapter 3: Katrina's Birthday Surprise

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One week…

One week before my birthday. I could hardly wait for it. I’m turning 12 in a week! But I have nothing to expect on my birthday though. Miss Audrey already told me not to expect too much this year, which of course if fine by me. I mean, it’s not like I’m demanding another party? As long as were all here I’m okay with it. Although I do wish one person is here with me.

I miss Harry so much and I haven’t heard from him and it really scares me. I think I already wrote like more than ten letters and he hasn’t replied to a single letter. Am I angry? Maybe a little, has he forgotten all about me already? But mostly, I’m worried that something bad might’ve happened to him. What would those godforsaken relatives him of do to protect him? Would they just let him die? Are they that cruel to him?

I just want to see my big brother again. Right away. I can’t wait to see him again, hug him again and just be with my brother again. I can’t wait for Avery to meet him and so she will stop telling me I’m alone and no one loves me. I can’t wait for Miss Audrey to meet him so she will see that I did find my brother. I just can’t wait to see him.

When will I see him?

When I get back to Hogwarts?

There’s a slight chance I might see him in Diagon Alley but a very slight chance. If I did I would him so tight. I really miss Harry and I wish I could be with him on my birthday.

Like I said, Miss Audrey told me not to expect too much on my birthday…

“Angelica dear,” She started, “Your birthday is coming up.”

“Yes it is Miss Audrey” I said grinning. She took a look at me and sighed. I frowned. “What’s wrong?” “I just hope you wouldn’t expect too much on your birthday. I know we threw you a grand party last year but I don’t think we’ll be able to do that again this year… Miss Azalia spent so much money on Avery’s birthday. The party costs almost half of the budget and the food and cake were so expensive--! I really want to throw another party for you dear but we can’t and----“

“Miss Audrey!” I said stopping her. “It’s okay!”

“Are you sure dear?”

“Of course! Miss Audrey birthdays don’t necessarily mean having parties. As long as we’re all here I’m happy with that” I smiled and she smiled back.


This is true, actually. Just because it’s your birthday doesn’t mean you have to throw a big party.  Birthdays mean you successfully lived a year and now you’re about to live another one and it’s up to you how to spend it. It means you grow older and you get to live longer.

Live longer. Ironic how I said that considering I have a Dark Lord on my tail trying to kill me and my brother. Harry told me what he and Dumbledore had discussed when we finally awoke after our encounter with Voldemort. He asked if Voldemort might be finally gone but Dumbledore said that he might come back.

How long must we suffer this? I still get nightmares about it (clearly explained in chapter 2) and each day they’re getting worse. Still I can’t get over from what happened last year. I am still haunted by my first year at Hogwarts.

My first year was both beautiful and terrifying. Beautiful because I made new friends, I was in the place where I belonged and of course I finally found Harry. Terrifying because of Voldemort. I just know we might encounter him again this year and I not so enthusiastic about the idea. As much as I don’t want to see his face again, he still keeps appearing in my dreams.

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