My Pet. My Mate.

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“Home sweet home.” I say as I walk into the same home that I have being living in since birth. Being an only child and being raised by a single parent, I wasn’t as confident as others to make friends. My only friend was my mother. All through middle and high school, I kept to myself. Being a coward, I just took college classes online to stay away from making human contact.

            The only time I seem to communicate with others is when I’m at work (in a cubicle, mind you.) and when I’m out shopping.

            This is my humdrum life, wake up, go to work, come home, and sleep. It’s a cycle, a cycle that I wish would change. If only I wasn’t a coward. Oh well.

            Heading into the kitchen, I searched the cabinets for dinner. Hm, I have to go shopping soon. Settling for ravioli, I sat in front of my television watching my evening lineup. The Simpsons, Family Guy, The Big Bang Theory, Pretty Little Liars, Hardcore Pawn, Real Husbands of Hollywood, Friends, and finally ending with Full House.

            Man. My life sucks.


            “Why am I in my backyard? Especially during the night.” I asked myself as I shivered from the cold. Living in a house in front of the woods sounds scary and it is even scarier as I stared at the lining of it. It’s so full of mystery and wonder. Realizing that I have to get up for work in a few hours, I started walking back to my house forgetting how I got there. Before I could turn, I heard noises. It sounded like the crunching of leaves under a shoe. Paranoia started to set in and I looked around in a 360 degree angle.

            “Whew, I need to get over myself.” As I continued to walk, I heard the noise again. Looking over my shoulder into the woods, I see a shadow of a man with intense blue eyes. He stared at me for nearly 3 minutes. I felt as if I was being absorbed into his soul. Feeling trapped in the spot, I didn’t know what to do.

            That was until I saw him walking towards me. Or more like stalking.

            “Nicole,” the man called. “I’ve been waiting for you, my pet. I am coming for you and you cannot hide from me.”

            Turning around, I ran to my back porch, went inside and bolted the door. Running all over the house, I checked for unlocked windows, doors, anyplace that he can get in.

            Feeling safe, I climbed in the bed. Turning over to get in a comfortable position, I close my eyes and drift off to sleep…almost.

            “I told you that you cannot hide from me, my pet.”

            Snapping open my eyes, I see the man from the woods in my bed. Feeling as if I’m in my own personal hell I did the first thing that came into mind. I screamed.


Beep. Beep. Beep.

            “Fuck,” I groaned. “Time to go to work.” Hopping out of my bed, I go to the bathroom and take a 15 minute shower while listening to my morning playlist. After drying myself and brushing my teeth, I head over to my closet and look for sensible clothing. Who am I kidding? Everything in my clothing screams plain jane. Pulling out a knee length gray skirt, a black collar shirt, and a pair of practical black heels, I got ready for the day. I didn’t have the need to put on make-up because I wasn’t trying to impress anyone. Pulling my thick hair back into a tight bun, I grabbed my purse and headed to the door.  

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