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“Help, help!” I screamed as I ran down the road. Atleast 10 cars past me, but none of them stopped to aid me. I could hear footsteps pounding the ground behind. They’re getting closer, closer.

He’s getting closer.

With that thought, I motivated myself to push harder and run faster.

Man, I should’ve taken off my heels, I thought as I ran down the boulevard.

Eventually I made it to an intersection. I came up to a car that was sitting at the stoplight.

“Please, please help me,” I begged through the window.

“Sure babe, get in.”

Well, he didn’t have to tell me twice.

As soon as I shut the door, I locked it , and watched the light turn green. I was sooooo relieved. Looking through the sideview mirror I see him still standing at the intersection. He was glaring more so at the driver than at me.

I then remember that I am in a car with a stranger.


“So where do you want to do this?” asked the driver.

To be honest, I completely forgot about him.

Glancing over, I took in his appearance. Automatically, I did a double take and REALLY took him in. he was really attractive.

He had pale skin, soft blond hair, and beautiful green eyes.

“Hey bitch, I know you hear me,” he calmly said, scary.

“Um, that was totally uncalled for,” I spat.

“For as much money I’m giving you, I am going to treat you as I wish.” He said pulling into a dark alley.

I didn’t understand what he meant at first, so I kept silent.

Turning the car off, and turning off the lights, he faces me and smirks.

“Take off your clothes.” He demanded.

“Excuse me?!” I freaked.

“Bitch!” he yelled, slapping me across the face. “Take. Off. Your. Clothes. You slut.”

“You think I’m a prostitute?” I asked as a metallic liquid poured in between my lips.

I brushed my palm across my mouth, pull back and see that it is blood.

“Of course I do. why do you think I picked you up? Look at your outfit, it screams ‘let’s have a good time!’”

I totally forgot about the dress that I have on. Personally, I thought that it was a classy dress but I guess not.

Nicole focus! There are other important matters at hand!

“Sorry to burst your bubble, but I am not a prostitute. There was an intruder in my home while I was trying on this outfit. I ran because I had nowhere else to go. I needed help, and I thought that you would be the one to do it since you let me into your car.” I explained.

“Well sweetheart, I’m sorry to burst YOUR bubble, but I don’t care. I wasted my time picking you up, and you are going to repay me.”

I swear, in less than a second, one of his hands wraps around my neck, while the other rips at my dress.

Leaning towards my ear, he whispers, “I’m gonna fuck you until you break, then I’ll kill you, unless you be a good girl and don't fight back.”

“Please no,” I begged with tears streaming down my face.

Letting go of me, he yelled “SHUT UP!”

He held his hand up like he was about to slap me, but before he did, his car door jerked opened, and I saw a hand pull him out.

After I wipe away the tears, I slowly climb out of the car.

I didn’t know what to expect, but something in my gut told me what I saw couldn’t be true.

I saw mystery man holding that pathetic excuse for a human being against the brick walls. He proceeded to punch him in the jaw repeatedly until it broke. He then swiftly kicked him so hard in both kneecaps that they broke also.

That creep was screaming in mortifying agony, begging to die.

“You should die you asshole!” Mystery man screamed. “And I should be the one to deliver you to the gates of hell! You had the *kick* fucking *kick* AUDACITY *kick* to touch *kick* MY WOMAN! But I will not give you the grace of dying.”

Right before I could actually process what was happening, I saw mystery man lift the scum with only one hand (that’s impressive because the scum was a little bigger than my savior) and threw him into the nearest dumpster.

Instead of being afraid of him, I was enticed by him. Even after witnessing what he just did, I wasn’t afraid.

“Baby, my pet,” he whispers as he made his way over to me. “are you okay?”

“Yes, I’m fine. How did you find me?” I asked, being held captive by his eyes.

Gently wrapping an arm around my waist to bring me closer, he caressed my cheek before giving me a response.

“I followed your scent and as I got closer, I smelled your fear, I had to come rescue you, my love.”

“Wait, what? You SMELLED me? I don’t know what’s going on in your mind, but I don’t think that you can smell me from afar, much less smell my fear.”

“Nicole, I have to tell you something…”

This became so interesting, I didn’t care to think about how he knew my name.

“What is it? Sebastian tell me.” I pleaded.

“What did you just call me?” he asked.

It was as if something took over my emotions, my control, something deep down in my soul took over me completely.

“Sebastian. Sebastian baby, you’ve finally came for me,” I whispered before his soft lips kissed me…

Hey there!

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It would truly make me happy! :D

Okay, this is irrelevant but I am addicted to this band called Emblem3 and I have been on my Emblem3 and Asher Monroe kick all day lol

Soooooooo I posted a video of Wesley and Keaton Stromberg from Emblem3 singing “Head Over Heels”

It’s so adorable haha

‘til next time!

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