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Hi! Here ya go!

On my way to work, I kept thinking of all the possibilities that Midnight could’ve got into the bathroom. I know for a fact that my bedroom door and my bathroom door were shut. Just thinking about the situation freaked me out. Especially when I caught him staring at me this morning.

His eyes, they were so intense. To be honest, they looked more human than animal-like. There is something about Midnight and it’s scaring the mess out of me.

Come on Nicole. Get over yourself, it’s just a cat, I say to myself.

But no matter how much I mentally prepare myself, end the end, I’m still scared.

Stopping at the stoplight, I turned on the radio to clear my head.

After I had chosen a good station, I let myself go.

Dancing and whipping my hair back and forth, I joined in on one of the songs…

“Don’t you worry, don’t you worry child. See heaven’s got a plan for you. Don’t you worry, don’t you worry now. Yeah!” I love Swedish House Mafia!

Tap. Tap. Tap.

I immediately stop my dancing and look over at the passenger window. I almost jumped out of my seat when I saw him. The man from my dreams is standing right outside of my car.

“Can I come in, my pet?” he asked.

“NO!” I then reached for the door handle to lock it, but he was faster and he ended up jumping in.

“Get out!” I yelled.

“My pet, I can’t get out now, the light is green.” He responded smoothly.

Quickly pulling off, I drove over to an empty parking lot.

“Now, get out.”

“Not just yet, sweetheart.”

“Well, why not? I don’t know you and I don’t care to know you.”

“Oh trust me when I say that you DO know me. You may not recognize me just yet, but your soul does.”

“Ok, you have officially freaked me out, please leave before I call the cops!” I screamed.

“Alright, my pet. But just know that this is the last time that I will be leaving you. I will always be watching you. Everywhere you go, I’ll be there. When you think that you’re alone, you’re not. For example, when you are showering, I will always be there watching the steaming water flowing over you luscious body.” He smirked as he watched me catch my breath. “Oh what’s wrong darling? Did you not know that I was watching you last night?”

“That’s impossible. They window blinds were closed and the only living thing in my house is my cat.”

“That’s what you think sweetheart.”

Leaning across the console, he aimed to kiss me on the cheek, but I cringed away from him.

“Please leave, just leave,” I begged.

Chuckling, he got out of the car but before he closed it he said “Soon, my pet, soon.”


“Nicole, make 50 copies of this please,” my supervisor said.

As I made my way into the copy room, my mind was still in a daze. Still going over what mystery man said. There was absolutely NO WAY he could’ve saw me in the shower.

Pet (BWWM) *INCOMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now