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In the darkness, you find a calming peace. In the darkness, there is nothing to fear. You are free from all of your troubles and inflictions. That’s why I love sleeping. In your dreams you can do anything and be anything without having to deal with the reflections of the world.

Sleeping peacefully in the dark abyss, I felt soft touches all across my body, giving me chills. Ignoring the motions, I try to roll over. Unfortunately, my movements were null because I was pulled right back onto my back.

Call me crazy and stupid but right now, I value sleep more than finding out what going on around me. I then started to feel soft smooth lips go from behind my ear, down my neck, onto my collarbones. Feeling a heavy object on my chest, I decided that I’m never going to go back to sleep so I open my eyes to see my beloved resting his head near my heart with his arms holding me close.

“I can hear your heartbeat, angel…” he whispered in the quiet room. “It’s like a sweet melody to my ears.”

Sitting up, I cradle his head in my lap and kiss his cheek.

“Good morning Sebastian,” I say lovingly.

“Good morning my princess.” He replied cheekily.

Before I could say anything, there was a swift knock on the door.

“Come in!” Sebastian calls as he sits up, wrapping his arm across my shoulder.

“Good morning Your Highness, madam.” The young butler said with a bright smile on his face and a slight blush on his cheeks.

Thinking of the worst, I cover myself the best way I can while Sebastian and the young butler who hasn’t been introduced laughed at me.

Feeling sorry for me, the butler stopped laughing and spoke to me.

“Madam Nicole it is indeed an honor to meet you. I am so glad that I get to meet the special young lady who has taken the prince’s heart.” He said while I ducked my head and blushed while Sebastian softly kissed my forehead. “My name is Jonathon Alexander Simmons, but you can call me Jon. I am Prince Sebastian’s head attendant. Whenever you need me, I will be at your assistance.”

“Hello Jon, it’s very nice to meet you,” I said while sticking out my hand to shake his. But by surprise, he kissed it instead.”

Hearing an eerie growl to my right, I quickly take back my hand while Jon stands with a smirk on his face.

“Oh! Calm down Sebastian! You know I’m for the other team!” Jon said laughing. “I just came to tell you that breakfast will here shortly and will be served on the balcony.”

“Thank you Jonathon, you may leave.” Sebastian said smiling.

After the door was shut, Sebastian picked me up and sat me in his lap. “Sooooo Jon is…”

“Yes he likes men sweetheart,” he answered kissing my temple.

“Then why did you growl?” I chuckled.

“Because you are mine to touch, no one else.”

Oh! Hearing that proclamation, I felt chills run down my spine.

Laughing at my darkened expression, Sebastian gently kissed my lips and told me to get up and get in the tub while he takes a shower.

Grabbing a robe, I ran into the bathroom, quickly filled the tub with a bunch of bubbles and jumped in. I know that he’s my mate, but I’m still not comfortable showing him my body just yet.

Not even a minute later, Sebastian comes in wearing only a pair of silk black boxers.

Ohmigod. He was a freaking Adonis!

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