21. Camping

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    Warm, was the first feeling I woke up to. Then comfortable was the second thought in my head. Then came thirsty and hungry. Then I heard daddy ask me if I wanted a bottle. I nodded and then he moved the arm that was covering me and grabbed something. A moment later I was drinking my bottle. And then 2 seconds after that I was drinking a different bottle. The second bottle that I was but was not drinking had baby formula in it. But the bottle I was really drinking had water in it. The baby formula tasted odd but not bad. Not like spoiled milk or anything, just odd. And that's when I felt something really odd. I tried to focus and I felt a wet diaper between my legs. And not just wet ether. I had actually used my diaper just like past Max did. And now I can taste what he is drinking too. I realized the link between us was getting stronger. He had used his diaper while he slept. And now he is being fed baby formula from a bottle. Now I had a real problem.

    "Daddy, when you getting up? I think I have a problem." I heard him mumble something like 30 more minutes, then he pulled me in tighter and fell asleep again. Well, I had something to drink at least. And there was nothing I could do about anything right now, so I drank my fill and went back to sleep for a little longer.

    The next thing I knew, my legs were no longer in the sleeping bag and Husky was no longer holding me. I was now on my back and he was changing me. I yawned and stretched out my arms and legs for a moment, then I relaxed again. I stayed still after that so I didn't make it harder for Husky to do what he was doing. "You really awake this time little one?" This time? He was the one that wanted more time sleeping, not me.

    "I'm awake. Thanks for the water by the way. And sorry about the mess. I didn't mean to and I don't thank it was really me that did it ether." He looked at me then held up my dirty diaper. "Yes I know. It was me, but it wasn't me at the same time. I'll explain when we are all awake and together. That way I don't have to confuse anyone more then once, including myself." He agreed to wait but then he asked me what I wanted to wear. My pajamas were, um... dirty until they went threw the wash.

    Everyone else was already up and out at the fire when we left our tent. My shorts were still drying so I walked out in socks, shoes, and the shirt I had on yesterday. I also had a throw blanket over my shoulders so when I sat down I could cover my legs. But in the short walk it took to get there, everyone could see what I was wearing. I didn't bother to try and hid it, and I wasn't embarrassed by it anymore. There was no point. After this morning I knew I was going to be stuck in these things until I found a way to brake the link between past me, and me. I was just hoping that I wouldn't go Little when he did.

    I sat down and got comfortable, Wolf handed me a warm cup then handed one to Husky. I took a sip and it was watered down coffee. I grabbed Huskies cup and tried that one. Real coffee. I started drinking his and gave him mine. That got surprised looked from everyone. "I need it this morning. And I would suggest that you all top off your cups too. You're going to need the break boost for this conversation." Then I took another swig and waited fro everyone else. Danual was the only one that just sat there waiting, everyone else, got more coffee. They knew something strange was about to be talked about.

    Danual didn't know about the link that me and past me had. But he seemed to fallow along as I told everyone else that our link was getting stronger. Stronger to the point that I thought I could taste what he was drinking. And that I woke up in a dirty diaper this morning and that I thought it was actually him that was doing it. Then Husky said jellyfish that reminded me about last night when I didn't know that I was going until it was to late. All these times I was really relaxed or was asleep. But I still didn't know is, when he slips and goes Little will I. And also is part or all of it do to me being here at the same time he is. If I go in to the future again will it weaken the link or make it stronger. Or even keep it at this strath?

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