33 hello again

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3006 Words

Max's POV

I walked out of camp making sure that I wouldn't be anywhere near where the guys were training. Even now, I knew that they needed to train in pease. To be able to get really good using there new abilities. I knew they would need them and possibly more to be able to do what they needed to do. So I walked slightly down the hill to stay out of there way.

I was walking and thinking about what Danual said to me. About what I really wanted in life. For me, I guess that's easy. I want a family that actually cares for me. Not about what I can do, but about me. And Husky would fill that role. Wolf would probably be a good second daddy for me. At least I think he would. If Husky and Wolf got together and wanted me, I would be good with that. Then we could form our own pack. I could be there puppy. There pup. And we could take trips to the woods and have a real pack and I would even change to be a puppy and we could all play together some times. Maybe Danual would let us stay here some times and run around in our dog forms. And we could stay in one of the cabins and go to his hot springs every now and then. Just relaxing here until we have to change something else.

I smiled at the thought of seeing Husky and Wolf pouncing around as big dogs in the woods. That would be a sight to see and I would be there with them. I liked them as my guard dogs. Not because they were guarding me. But because they were there, all soft and fluffy and me knowing I was safe and was cared for. I just wish that I was smaller then. Then I might have been able to ride one of them and have some fun. That would have been real cool. "I really need to quit thinking about this stuff. And I need to quit talking to myself. If someone Hurd me, they would think I was nuts or something." I continued to walk in silence.

I started to look around and listen to the woods around me instead of talking to myself. Or thinking to myself ether. I just enjoyed the here and now. Every time I had a choice to go right or left, I always took a left. Away from where the guys were, but I knew I was just going in one big circle that would end up with me going back to camp.

After almost 2 hours of walking alone I found myself at the far side of camp from where the guys would be coming from. I didn't want to talk to anyone yet, so I sat down and watched the birds fly around. My back was against a tree that blocked me from view if anyone was in the camp. Before I sat down I saw that Danual was the only one there and he was making lunch for the guys when they got back. A quick glimpse told me that he didn't need my help, he was already done. So I just sat there wondering what I should do.

I could go back and sit by the fire with Danual. Make some small talk until the guys get back. Maybe pretend that everything was ok like I always did. Have a stiff upper lip. Fake it until you make it. Be all happy, happy, joy, joy, like always. The things I had to do to keep from crying every day. I've never been the giving up type so just quitting wasn't an option. I had to make things right. And I had to fix all this stuff that was wrong. But I needed help doing it. And I had no choice but to use these guys. I felt really bad about using them, but there was no other way. And if I came out and told them everything, then I knew they all would leave me and I would have to do all of this by myself. And I can't do it by myself, I've tried that already. There were just some things I had to keep secret from them and it was tearing me apart. I hate keeping secrets from anyone, but them especially.

I was crying again, well really tears were falling but I made no sound. I wasn't really crying it was just some extra emotions coming out the only way they knew how. Through my eyes and down my cheeks. I brushed them away as I sat there watching two birds dancing around each other in the sky.  For a moment I was starting to feel better, then I heard the guys coming back to camp.

They seemed happy, joking and laughing with each other. They made it back to the fire and grabbed there food. I started to feel a little hungry myself when I saw them start to dig in. When I heard Husky ask about me and where I was, I froze. Danual was probably going to tell him that I ran off or something and he would have to come looking for me and not eat. He needed to eat and not worry about me. I started moving forward when Danual told them that he needed to talk to them about me but he wouldn't until they started eating. I thought "Ok so he also knows they need the food. Practical, that's good." But then he told them about what I said about my past. And he didn't stop there. He told them everything. He even added stuff like how he thought I got away form those people. one to think about it, he did make sense. I had help of some kind.

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