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— one month away —

August 1st, 1939

GISELLE DREAMT OF gunfire and bombs and blood and war and death on the night of July 31st, 1939.

And when she woke up early on the morning of August 1st, 1939, she knew exactly why.

It was exactly one month before the Germans invaded Poland. Before World War II officially started.

She rolled over in bed, not surprised to see that her husband was already up.

Instead of trying to go back to sleep and dream of war, she got up and started to go through the motions of getting ready for the day, even though it was 5:45 and she never woke up before 9:00.

Dread steadily leaked into her bloodstream throughout every movement, weighing down her limbs like lead.

With Selene not there, it was all up to Giselle to tell Will about everything. Once she finished up in the bathroom and had her robe on, she decided not to beat around the bush and immediately started seeking out Will.

She found him outside. It was a misty morning with a low fog on the ground. The wildlife was just beginning to wake. Birds chirped and squirrels were beginning to scout for food.

Will was chopping wood like she had seen him do so many times before. No matter how many times she would come upon this sight, it would always take her back to that day in 1930 when she thought he would be her first kiss.

That younger version of Giselle would probably never believe it if she knew they had gotten married. Or that World War II would be looming over her head even though she was born decades after it had started and ended.

"Will," Giselle called out.

Her husband turned around, a smile prepped and ready for her on his lips. It instantaneously faltered when he spotted the anguish on her face. He didn't stick the axe into the wooden chopping block like he normally did, just dropped it as if it had burned him and rushed toward his wife.

"What is it?" he asked, grabbing her shoulders. "What's wrong? You look scared." He engulfed her into a hug, stroking the back of her head with his hand. "Tell me, love. I'm here for you. I'll keep you safe."

Giselle started to tear up, but held herself together. "Remember," her voice started out weak. She took a deep breath to calm herself, willing her voice to ring clear of her emotions. "Remember a year ago when I was freaking out about Adolf Hitler and Germany, and Selene made up that phony story about Marguerite's family and France?"

He pulled back, holding her at arms' length. Understanding flashed in his eyes. "I asked you to warn me about what you were really scared of before it happens," he stated, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down as he swallowed. "It's about to happen, isn't it?"

She nodded. "A month from today."

He took a deep breath, as if preparing himself. "What's going to happen, Giselle?"

"World War II."

He blanched, horror washing over his face. In an instant, he didn't look like a man anymore, but a child. A frightened little boy. Giselle's throat constricted at the sight. She had never seen him look so scared, and never wanted to ever again.

He swallowed thickly and closed his eyes. Once he opened them, all fear and worry were gone from his features. He looked stoic and unbothered. Giselle knew it was more for her sake than his.

"How bad?" he asked, keeping up his neutral expression. "Is it—is it worse than the Great War?"

Giselle nodded solemnly. "A lot worse. More than double the amount of casualties as the first. It's-it's really bad, honey." Her voice cracked, tears beginning to flow freely. "Really, really bad."

Will slung his arms around her again, holding her to him as she cried. "It's okay, love. It'll all be okay."

Giselle shook her head, sobbing into his chest. "No! It won't!" She yanked away from him, holding her arms around herself. "It gets worse, Will. The Germans bomb the heck out of Great Britain! Hitler rounds up all of the Jews he can get his hands on and sends them to their deaths! And you!" She paused, breathing heavily. "You'll have to go fight!" She grabbed at the collar of his white undershirt in desperation, pulling him closer. "You can't go! You can't! We can move before it's too late! There are a few places that stay neutral, like Switzerland or Spain or—"

"Giselle, Giselle, calm down," Will said, slipping his hand to the back of her neck and pressing his forehead to hers. "Please, give me a moment to process." His eyes fluttered shut, and she followed suit.

They stayed like that for a few minutes before he took a shaky breath and exhaled, pulling back. "We can't move," he said to her. "I have to stay and fight. I can't run away. This land is my home. I have to defend it."

She knew he was going to say that. She had over a year to prepare herself for those words, but her world still cracked and shattered before her.

"Hey." Will cupped her cheek, brushing a stray tear away. "Don't cry. I'll be okay. You don't need to worry about me."


"Let's not talk about it anymore, alright?" Will suggested. "Let's just enjoy this month. We do have lots to enjoy." He threw on a smile. It was shaky and unstable, but she tried to smile back like it was genuine. "After all, I'm married to the most beautiful woman in all of time, and I'm about to bed her as well."

Giselle saw what he was doing. He was pretending like everything was alright and that there wasn't a dark cloud of war and death eating up the land in their direction, so she decided to do the same.

She blushed, smiling. "William Dare," she scolded. "You scoundrel—ah!" He scooped her up and carried her back inside.

This time, both of their smiles were real, but who knew for how long?

•   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •

Words: 1,030.

Question: Are you tired right now?

I literally just woke up after an eight hour sleep and I'm exhausted. I think it's because I went to sleep past my usual bedtime and anytime I stray from my sleep schedule, it's like anarchy in my body.


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