➙Short - Gareth (Request!)

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(Where Gareth likes to tease the reader for being short!)

You were out with Gareth, your best friend. It wasn't an uncommon thing to happen, you both liked going out together, doing silly stuff.

The both of you just got kicked out of a grocery store because you pushed him around in a shopping cart, so you went to search for another one.

"That one looks nice!", you said excitedly as you pointed to a supermarket, and he nodded. You took his hand and pulled him along with you.

The supermarket was big and incredibly colourful. You turned around, trying to take in as much as you could.

"Let's go to the candy section!", you cheered, and Gareth rolled his eyes playfully. You made your way through the different aisles in awe of the different things you saw.

"These look so good!", you said happily, trying to reach some candy on the top shelf. You could hear Gareth snickering behind you, so you turned around and put your hands onto your hips.

"Are you laughing at me?", you pouted, and he shook his head.

"It's just so adorable how you're trying to reach it but you're only too short!", he grinned, and you rolled your eyes.

"Fine, you do it then.", you huffed, and made way for him. He was still chuckling, making a few steps and grabbing the candy for you with a small "Gladly".

"Fine, you win.", you sighed, and made your way out of the store after paying.

Time skip!

It was another lunch at school, and you had just finished your food. As you brought away your plate and were about to put it to the dirty stuff, you noticed that the lower sections were all full, leaving you only the higher one. You groaned, and as if you called him, your curly haired best friend stood behind you.

"Need my help, shorty?", he teased, and you nodded.

"Yes, since you're already here, could you put my plate up there?", you asked, and he grinned.

"Of course, since you can't reach it.", you ignored the way he teased you, and only thanked him for helping you.

As you were all sitting together on your places, Eddie decided to speak up.

"So, when are you guys finally going to confess to one another?", which made you almost choke on your drink.

"W-What?", you questioned, trying to get yourself back together.

"Well, you and Gareth. Dude, you're like totally whipped for them. Always tease them for their height, but literally awe at it only a moment later. And you Y/N, you tend to blush a lot when you're with him. So, when's the wedding?", he smirked, and you and Gareth looked at each other with wide eyes. The rest of hellfire seemed to be interested in what you had to say, everyone was now focused on the both of you.

"Give us a moment.", Gareth mumbled, taking your hand and pulling you with him. You could hear the others on the table going "Woooo!", in the background, which made you even more bashful.

Gareth had led you to a small corner, and turned around to meet you.

"Sooo...", you muttered, and Gareth gulped slightly.

"Well Y/N, I guess he has me figured out. But... What about you? Do you really feel the same way?", he asked you quietly, playing with his fingers in a nervous manner.

"I-I-", you stutter, and Gareth cuts you off.

"It's really fine if you don't, I just want to make everything clear-", you shut him up, pressing your lips onto his. He tensed up at first, but relaxed as he noticed what was happening.

He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer to him, gentle as can be. The butterflies in your stomach were running free by now, and you lifted your arms up to put them around his neck. Your bodies were pressed together in the small corner, and you were glad that you were hidden from the other students. Your hands found their way into his hair, softly tugging on his curls.

Soon enough, you both parted for air as he rested his forehead against yours.

"I guess I know your answer. I'm sorry for always teasing you, I just can't help how cute you look.", he whispered against your lips, and you smiled.

"It's fine, really. I don't mind it.", you said in a hushed tone, and he pressed a quick peck to your lips once again. You giggled, and took his hand to lead him back to your table with straight faces.

"So, Ladies and Gentlemen, I see that you had your fun back there. How was it?", Eddie asked smugly, as you both were sat down again.

"We talked it out, obviously. We don't like each other.", you said with a blank face, as Eddie's completely scrunched up in confusion. The others were busy whispering to each other, shocked about the confession. That was until the both of you started to burst out in laughter.

"I can't believe that you actually fell for that! Of course we're together, weren't you the one who connected the dots?", you laughed, and Eddie rolled his eyes.

"That's what you get for being the Wingman. Seriously guys? After all this time? You owe me one.", he sighed, which only made you and Gareth laugh harder.

"In all seriousness, thank you Eddie. This would've probably never happened if it weren't for you pointing it out, really. Thanks man.", Gareth grinned, and now Eddie started laughing along with you. It spread all over the table, the other members of hellfire trying to be more quiet.

You thought back to that moment a lot that day, and on the way home you stopped Gareth.

"So, does this mean you're my boyfriend now?" you asked, and he put his hand up to his chin in an exaggerated thinking gesture.

"I mean, if you want me to, I'll gladly be your boyfriend.", he smiled, and you nodded excitedly.

"Yes! My gosh, I love you, Gareth.", you said, and covered your mouth soon after you realized what you said. Gareth chuckled, and ruffled your hair before pulling you close to him in a hug.

"I love you too, shorty."

(Yeah um I don't really know what to think about this)

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