Dismiss The Weak

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***PLEASE READ*** The first thing I need to say is that this book will be on hold until my other book of Vigilante AU Deku, To Prove Myself has been re-written so this book will not be worked until around March and April since school is starting back up for me. And the second thing was to get your opinions. I already have a starting idea for the story which means a rough outline for how Izuku will interact with some of the Overwatch characters. But if you have any ideas for what could be in the story, feel free to say something. I also want to try to make this story unique in comparison to other Izuku Yagi fanfictions. Any ideas for that will also be nice but what I have currently is that Katsuki and Izumi are not friends, UA will not learn of the abuse Izuku suffered and Izuku will not gain any new power or quirk, only using his wits. Thanks for your patience and enjoy the chapter. I'll split this into two when I properly start writing this book.

Izuku Yagi pressed the back of his head against the door of the doctors waiting room. His sister, Izumi Yagi was congratulated for having a kinesis quirk. Her quirk is a mutated version of her mothers, Inko Yagi's quirk of telekinesis, where instead of grabbing visible objects, Izumi grabs the invisible kinetic force and focuses it into green electric projectiles. 

However, she was taken out of the room with their mother as their father was taken to the doctors' personal office, which is adjacent to the current waiting room Izuku sat in. The goal was clearly meant to be private conversation, but Izuku just had to eavesdrop. It didn't take a genius to understand that they would be talking about Izuku's quirk, otherwise they would have stated it along with Izumi's. Izuku had first shoved his ear against the door but stopped when their conversation easily leaked through the thin walls.

"I don't know how to tell you sir, but your son is quirkless. Quirkless cases are extremely rare, Izuku being the tenth child born in the last two decades without a quirk. The reason this is so rare is because if both parents have a quirk, it is not possible for the child to be quirkless. One quirkless parent, over one in a million chance and two quirkless parents have about one in a thousand chance to have a quirkless child," the doctor stated cooly, but Izuku could hear the wonder and intrigue in his voice.

Izuku sat defeatedly with his head against the door and his large green eyes narrowed in confusion. What the doctor said didn't make sense to the young boy, he may only be four, but Izuku was incredibly intelligent. His hobby was to read, and he found the research folios on recent technological discoveries, like current redirect barriers or CRB that are blue shields constructed of magnetic particles, allowing thrown objects to be stopped in their tracks when passing through one side of the barrier, but phase easily through the other. However, Izuku had yet to finish the book as it was still far too complex for the young boy to know what everything meant, many words were still unknown to Izuku's vocabulary.

So, when the doctor stated that it was impossible for two quirked individuals to produce a quirkless offspring, it immediately caught Izuku's attention. His mother certainly had a quirk, Izuku had witnessed his mum pull objects across the house and her quirk helped develop Izumi's quirk. But Izuku's father also had a quirk, he said it was called Mighty Strength, essentially giving him a lot of power in his physical abilities. 

However, Izuku has never seen his father use his quirk before. Toshinori had stated his body had become too weak after repetitive use of his quirk so he couldn't show his young children. Izuku's eyes widened as he put the dots together, if what the doctor said was true, that means his dad did not have a quirk and he was lying about possessing one. Which meant that Izuku got incredibly unlucky. 

"Alright, thank you for telling me this but why take my wife and daughter out of the room?" Toshinori asked, unaware his words were crystal clear to his son behind the door. 

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