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The class of Aldera middle school was bored out of their wits, starring absently at the blackboard their teacher was writing on. Many of the student's eyes wandered towards the clock above the door of the room, all waiting for the small hour hand to hit three to indicate the moment they can bolt out of the room. Few people were paying attention to the lesson however the teacher seemed blissfully unaware of it. Or he didn't care, who he failed or passed may not be a concern for him as he could do what he want and get paid in full. 

Izumi was one of the many that didn't care what the teacher told about the lesson, but unlike the rest she had her head down in her arms that rested flatly on her desk and was softly snoring. She needed to pay attention in this class as she was barely scraping a pass, yet Izumi couldn't find it within herself to care and used her class time to get some extra shut eye. 

Katsuki, top of the class was also not paying attention. He hardly needed to, he could flunk the end of year test and still come out as the top student at the school but that wasn't the reason for his scowl and loss of attention. Katsuki Bakugo rhythmically tapped his fingers against the wooden desk as he grumpily glared at an empty chair across the room from him. One that belonged to Izuku Yagi.

Katsuki wasn't very fond of the boy, but it wasn't due to anything the boy had done. If anything, Katsuki had a weird form of respect for the quirkless loser but that same weird respect he has for Izuku also gives Katsuki deep and unbridle hatred towards the greenette. 

His whole life, Katsuki had always been told he was destined for greatness. His peers and teachers said he had a quirk that could compete with All-Might. Since then, those praises continued as Katsuki strived for perfection. Perfect grades, peak athleticism and amazing quirk controls. He was the best compared to everyone else around him and he knew he had what it took to be a hero. 

Everyone told him he was the best. But that had always upset Katsuki, because he knew they were lying. Lying to him to keep up the image that he was the best, and they were doing so by sabotaging someone who is said to be undisputedly useless. Fucking worthless Deku. But if he was so useless as what everyone said he was, then why did they feel the need to make him seem worse, to make things even more difficult for him. If he was that pathetic than he'd prove that on his own. 

Yet Katsuki had seen quite the opposite being displayed. Deku had been hammered with incredibly advanced questions that Katsuki had no clue on what the answer could possibly be and consistently had the answers for them. He had also peered over at Deku's homework when others knocked it out of his hand and noticed it wasn't anything like the sheets he had. The questions were far harder and of a curriculum Katsuki hadn't heard of. It was ridiculous.

Katsuki had said he was at the top of his school in every category but that wasn't exactly true. Sure, grades indicates that Deku struggled but that was with the boy being given possibly university level grade questions and Katsuki had a sneaking suspicion that he may easily answer a lot of those questions. He noticed that Izumi always had a higher grade than Deku which should be impossible with her unmotivated and ignorant personality and attitude which gave Katsuki the impression that they weren't allowing Deku to perform better than his quirk blessed twin. 

Deku was being ridiculed and it enraged Katsuki. Not that Deku was being treated worse than trash, but the fact he was having everything handed to him. He could miss all of his tests that were coming later this week and still get A's. In game terms, he was forced to be on easy mode while Deku lived in hard mode constantly and it was pissing him off.

Despite popular belief Katsuki didn't like winning, he liked competition. Winning was an added bonus but there was no point in winning if there was never a fight, never a battle, never a chance that he could lose. The rush of overcoming a challenge was what Katsuki strived for and it was hard for him to get since far outclassed everyone in his school. He knew UA would be a challenge, but that knowledge didn't help restrain the bubbling anger Katsuki was known for. 

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