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Katsuki sat on his bed, his hand holding a scruffy and tattered book with another book like that on a small table next to his bed. His face was turned down in a frown but as Katsuki had aged, his resting facial muscles have just developed to give him a permanent grumpy look. 

He was at school again today; Izumi was far more reserved than Katsuki had ever seen the girl. He usually didn't care about Izumi, but her non-existent presence did catch his attention as he could always feel her potent ego oozing off of her. However, he still couldn't give a shit. He was more focused on the fact that Izuku wasn't here.

In fact, a news special was released while he was at school, taking every class by storm as they learned that Izuku had been snatched by weaselly weapon smugglers. But that detail was glossed over as everyone fixated on the fact he was taken by Calamity Ashe, the most wanted villain in America, and Jesse McCree, an ex-Overwatch agent.

Everyone immediately spouted nonsense at the media claiming he was taken by the Western duo since the nerd was an Overwatch fanatic and Katsuki was inclined to believe, partially. No way in hell would Izuku hitch a ride in a weapon smuggler truck, even if he knew where Jesse McCree was, the nerd was an idiot, not moronic. 

Besides why the fuck was Calamity Ashe here in Japan? How the hell was she here in Japan, something fishy was going on and Katsuki suspected Overwatch was involved since McCree was in town. 

Now that Izuku had effectively fled, no matter what his intentions were when he somehow made it all the to Kyoto, Katsuki had decided to look at Izuku's journals or workbooks that he retrieved from the pond. 

Katsuki hated Izuku, the fact that a useless Deku like him was intelligent enough to be better than him already irks Katsuki beyond belief. But the information he could see while he read through the mess of the watered-down book was simultaneously infuriated Katsuki yet instilled fear into him. 

Izuku's analyse ability was scarily accurate, from their quirks to habits and even intentions. He read Izumi's page entry and had smirked at the accuracy of her shit personality and limited knowledge she has over her own quirk. But that smile fell as soon as Katsuki read his own. 

Temperamental, villain-like, head of hearing, smokescreen/flashbang and starts every fight with a right hook. Katsuki read Izuku list down his habits, details about his own quirk he hadn't even realised and what he likes to do when initiating fights and how he handles himself throughout it. Katsuki became uncomfortable ready such in-depth analyse of everything about him, including how to take him down. Using his quirks problem with water and how to take advantage of the recoil, blindness and deafness drawbacks his quirks have, and Katsuki gulped as he read Izuku's ideas of how to take him down. 

He continued to read, looking at other teenagers Katsuki didn't know to and then looking heroes. Top ten heroes to redundant c-listers Izuku had explained in the book, many of them Katsuki had never heard of. Eventually he started skimming through the book until he reached blank pages. 

He checked the back page because if there was to be anything extra, it would be there he was surprised at what he found. 

"All For One?" Katsuki stated slowly, his eyes squinting, and he pulled the book closer to his face. Katsuki stared at it. A man that could steal quirks and give them to others, yeah that was something that a quirkless loser like Deku would be into.

But the more Katsuki read it, it seemed like it was less about a desperate quirkless ramble. He read about the several health ramifications of quirkless people gaining a quirk as their bodies don't have the natural quirk enzymes that produce quirks. Additionally, it had records of people getting their quirk late or people possessing quirks unfit for their body. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07 ⏰

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