Bullets, Arrows & Kunais?

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"Bob," Izuku harshly whispered to the omnic. The metal giant tilted their head and looked up towards Izuku, blinking at him with their mechanical eyelids. Izuku still didn't know why he had that feature but knew he couldn't let himself get off track, especially at a time like this. "Someone else is onboard the ship and they clearly aren't Hanzo nor apart of the yakuza group. Cassidy and Ashe are going to be in trouble," Izuku explained. 

Bob seemed to mull over his words before shaking their head, predicting what intentions Izuku had already. Izuku tensed before in a panicked rush, looked back over the shipping crates. He could see some omnics patrolling around the deck with one skinny man with an elongated spiney neck that looked to be made of steel bones. 

If he used his EMP, the omnics around would immediately shut down and he had jolt tokens to subdue the lone man to prevent him calling back up, especially if their neck was metal. However, if he decided to use the EMP, Bob would go down with them and Izuku had no intention of disabling Bob, especially when he was the one thing protecting him right now. But because he was protecting him, Cassidy and Ashe were not. 

"Is there a way I can sway you? I know the two are very capable, but this person can teleport, I watched them. If they are a hero, they can easily negate the weapons Ashe and Cassidy possess and if they are a hero, they most certainly can fight in hand to hand. If we stay here, they're in trouble," Izuku told the omnic. Bob stared at him, Izuku couldn't read him as his face stayed static, but the giant robot put him down. Izuku looked up and saw them crouch, their head beginning to nod.

"Oh okay," Izuku quipped out, a mixture of surprise and nerves erupting through him as Bob gave him the go ahead. He scurried into his bag and pulled a few inconspicuous items out. "Here's the plan," Izuku shuddered but steeled himself, he wasn't going to be weak, he had been depicted as such for far too long and was more than just past tired of it. 

Izuku dropped down off the crates after a wasting a minute of waiting for an opportunity. He hid behind metal pipes with jolt tokens clutched in his hands. He was waiting for his opening with the one man surveying the ship deck. He knew his jolt tokens wouldn't work on the omnics, the way they produce their harmful shock couldn't get into their circuitry system unless they had exposed wires, they were immune to his simple gadget. 

However, Bob could take out the others if he timed it right so Izuku would be waiting on the omnics signal. He was slightly skeptical on the omnics intelligence, they did seem highly loyal to Ashe to the point of dependence, but it could easily just be protection programming. If they were stupid, he would think that Ashe would have gotten rid of them, although how long has Ashe been acquainted with Bob?

'Ah Izuku! Pay attention, our and Ashe and Cassidy's life is on the line here,' Izuku screamed in his head before focusing his attention on the long neck thug. He tried not to analyse the man's quirk, although it was clearly fascinating as the way his head moved and each boney segment moved against each other was truly wonderous to look at. 'No bad Izuku, just throw the dam jolt tokens at him when Bob takes out the far omnic!' Izuku yelled in his own mind.

No more than a second later, two omnics with metal hair crashed into an omnic that seemed to be checking the boxes with a clipboard, smashing against a shipping crate and causing a dent. The man obviously world his head like an owl at the loud noise and Izuku scrambled onto his feet. He had his arm far behind him and used the little might he had to hurl his jolt tokens at the man. 

The thug started gargling in pain as four small black coins collided with him. Blue sparks zapped his body and quickly bounced off, but the one that hit his neck clung for a few seconds longer, blue trails of electricity running up and down from head to shoulders. Then the token launched off the boat, traveling a far greater distance than all the others.

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