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Uh, fuck what do I put here... um, I guess since this is for future me to check out I will just put out the basics...

Uhh, I'm Nyx Circe Ailwyn, it's a stupid name, I'm a book writer which is so far better than my old jobs as a shopkeeper and uh- nevermind- 

I'm still living in an apartment but it's actually really nice, I'm doing good with streams as a side job and working for the apartment building owner for some extra money, it's all worth it though-

I finally got a gf after what felt like ages, she's nice and honestly way out of my league but somehow I got it to work :]

I don't got many outfits because my basic ass is picky when it comes to clothes I honestly might buy some on ebay, I cant find any purple clothes in the men section cause ya know, male standards :/

I don't have any pets but I honestly want a parrot, I dont really have the time to take care of one so maybe when I have a better paying job that allows me to take a break of working I could get one

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