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Man Zarbuu has been so hyper lately, even tho she's jumping all over my room at times I really adore it, I think it's cute. Just hearing her go bezerk like "NYXIE~! LOOK HOW FAST I CAN MOVE!! I BET YOU WONT EVEN SEE ME >://D" it's really heartwarming for some reason, I just love her hyper mood so much, I wish I can zoom around like she does but my body is too tired for that

Can I just write here that I FUCKING LOVE ZARBUU!! <3 She is just so cute and showers me with affection everyday, like man she is the best gf ever, I wish I could spend all my time squeezing the fuck out of her and just planting kisses all over her face. I just wish I could match up with the love she shows me because man I just wanna kiss her up!!

Anyways I got a promotion at my job so that's one less job to work!! Now I can actually have some days off. And maybe, JUST MAYBE- I will get Zarbuu that chinchilla she always wanted

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