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I got good news I guess! I found this pet center down town that sells chinchillas and I'm planning to get one for Zarbuu because man she REALLY wants one and ya know what a guy has to do, and she was also getting me into them <3 but before I get one I gotta talk to Zarbuu about where it's gonna sleep and stuff.

I also got this job at a coffee shop around two blocks away to get extra money to pay for food and stuff for the chinchilla - I do have to work a bit later than Zarbuu sadly...But I do get breaks off work on Tuesdays and Saturdays if that's enough <://D and anyways, I look pretty cute in my work uniform if I do say so myself.

The fun thing about my job is that I get to give out cookies!! And I will never forget my first tip - I hate kids but this sweet girl came up with her mom and she just gave me this stare like I was a famous person - just giving me a ":O!!" stare, of course I said my greeting like I'm supposed to and took thier order, I soon came back with thier drinks, thier mom paid and they began to walk out, but just then when they were at the door the girl ran back and dug her hands in her dress pockets - and placed a couple quarters on the counter while giving me a smile <:///]

Anyways i gotta go coat my love's face in kisses >:///]

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