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Found this book while I was cleaning, thought I lost it forever, well now I know not to leave it lying around, a lot of things have happened since I last wrote

I met Zarbuu's parents which were very awkward, I felt so out of place, they were so fancy it was like that Shrek scene where he ate with Fiona and her parents, her dad kinda scared me, he kept giving me this glare- and it made it even more awkward with her mom babying me

I also came out as abrosexual, Zarbuu seemed happy like it was my birthday or something - I don't see the big deal, is it like a tradition or something? I don't know

I almost burned down the apartment trying to teach Zarbuu how to cook, who knew animal crossing could be so distracting, I really need one of those cooking timers before I actually end up burning the place down

I'm also trying to find a chinchilla seller for Zarbuu, I'm afraid of rodents but these guys look pretty cute, I need to find a day where I can get it in-between my work days and I dont even know what the hell those guys eat but hey I have plenty of time to study it

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