What Am I?

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RING RING! I opened my eyes and picked up my phone. It was 4:00 in the morning I looked at my notifications to see a missed call from Mari. I called her back. "Good morning Dia!" Mari said as I lowered the volume on my phone. "Mari it's 4:00 in the morning!" Mari was quick to reply to me "Well me and Kanan are going to walk to school! Wanna come?" I obviously said yes. I mean who wouldn't want to walk with your best friends after 2 years of being apart? "We can meet at the beach!" I got dressed and was about to walk out the house. "Ruby! I'm going to see Mari and Kanan!" I walked outside and went to the beach. Once I arrived I saw Kanan and Mari holding hands. I never really think of those two as a couple but just really close friends. I walked towards them but..I didn't want to say hi. I didn't want to disturb them. I walked around the beach but still near the two of them. I sat down on the sand not to far away from them just in case they were ready to go. I checked my phone and it was 4:53 am and school starts at 6:30. I started to think about that something..what am I? Mari and Kanan always talk about how they are best friends. But what am I? The third wheel?

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