honey Im home

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On the ride there I thougt back on the short visits I made to see haru and makoto.
They had re opened their schools swim club earlier so I made sure I could come to all of their competitions , I usually zone out during introductions so didn't hear much, I only really start paying attention when I hear the shot and the swimmers hitting the water . My eyes only focused on their lane ,the races go so fast a barely have time to blink makoto did very well in his then it was time for Harus free style. He did so well I couldn't help myself and went straight down to congratulate them. Makoto had just helped Haru out of the pool so I waved to get his attention, he signaled for me to come over .

"You were great all of you" I grin

Haru looks over my shoulder before pulling me into a wet hug.

"Huh? Umm hey I'm getti..."I'm cut off by a sudden kiss.it felt strange at first but I was happy we hardly ever get to do these things but I had a weird feeling as if we were being watch by someone aside from the team.

I never remembered there being this many stairs I moan to myself as I struggle up the hill to Haru's home which is conveniently seated right at the top.sarcasm.

I hadn't given him a time and my train was early so rather than call him I'd turn up as his door as a surprise, I didn't expect to be exhausted before I even made it into the house.

On my way up I almost topple onto the stairs in my attempt to avoid a small figure sitting lazily along them.it was a white kitten.

"Thanks" I huff patting it on the head before continuing my climb.I finally reach the top and gaze down to find the same kitten watching me from a distance, obviously I waved down at it.I hear a shuffle behind me followed by a low voice.

"What are you doing ?"

Sorry its so short and I'm really behind on uploads please don't give up on Me I shall continue to do my semi best ( ' ▽ ' )ノ

Xoxo gossip girl

Jk its me XD

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