friend or foe

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When I wake I'm laying on my back looking up at the lights which kind of blind me then the face of Gou looking down at me , she smiles. rolling over I am greeted by everyone.

"Ugh I'm sorry did I fall asleep" I rub the back if my head sitting up. I am met by deep blue eyes.

"Are you okay?" Haru places a cool hand on my head .

"I'm fine" I smile. Then again I see the flash of red , looking over Haru's shoulder I quickly brush his hand away."ah I'm so so sorry... R-rin ? "

This has to be the most abrupt reunion I've ever attended because sitting in the corner with his head down is the first not only to break my heart but also one of my dearest friends all grown up.Haru had left right after checking me .

"How long?" I say under my breath" how long have you been back"

"(Y/n)" he looks up with sad eyes.

"I mean you never even wrote or anything I thought I'd never see you again" my voice croaks I quickly put a Hands over my mouth I feel tears begin to form in my eyes , I try my best to fight them. I cough "It's great to see you I'm so glad"I look up and smile.

"You too" he replies. Is that really all he can say after all this time my emotions are so conflicted as if I feel them all at once. Just as I am about to speak again Haru comes through the door holding a first aid kit.

I suddenly stand surprising the group."S-sorry" I quickly dart towards Haru pulling him back outside of the room.

"Why" I whisper harshly "why didn't you tell me Rin was coming"

"I didn't remember " Haru shrugs.

"What so you didn't think it was important to even tell me he was back"

"Was it important ?"

"Of course it was " I raise my voice slightly.Haru holds both my shoulders and looks me deep in the eyes.

"And why is that, did you really miss him that much?" something in his voice changes.

"Well yes he's one of my closest friends you know that"

"Oh" Haru lowers his head he laughs a little before looking back up at me " I'm sorry I should have told you" his expression seems more relaxed as if relieved.

"Its fine now I guess" I say a little uneasy.

"Why are you two just standing out there" I hear Gou call.

"Stop keeping (y/n) all to yourself " Nagisa adds whining.

"What if I want to" Haru calls back . The room goes silent even I'm a bit surprised over everything else he's said this is out of character.

Ahhh late updates and then they're so shitty I'm sorry I've been really busy and there are a lot of stuff to include but the build up is hard cause i want it to all add up .

I'll defiantly have another update soon so stay tuned .

Xoxo Gossip girl ...

Jk its me XD

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