The unknown

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I wriggle out if harus arms.

"I-I'm just gunna go to the store then aah and get some ramen cups" since they'd be the easiest option .

"I'll come with you" a whisper like voice calls in response.

It is revealed to be Rin.

"N-no no I'm fine on my own really" i put my hands up in protest signalling for him to sit but he is already standing and stepping over nagisa to join me at the door.

"It's no trouble ... I need to get something anyways" his head hangs but I can see he is looking in the other direction to where I am.

"Thats a good idea" I turn my attention to makoto " we've been here long enough so its already starting to get dark."

"I agree" Gou nods though there is slme uncertainty in her eyes as she isn't looking at me. Instead she watches her brother who looks back for a quick second.

Was I missing something?

"Alright" my voice croaks.  RELAX nows not the time to be getting emotional. "We'll be back soon"

"Wait!" Haru calls .

My entire body jolts

"W-what what is it" it feels as if my cheeks are on fire.

"Look at yourself" he looks me up and down." Its cold outside  ... So go change"

I quickly realised the shirt I was dressed in was more revealing than I had anticipated though only my colar bones and a small part of chest were revealed. Not to mention I sas wearing shorts.

"Hmmm I'll take a jacket , dont worry I'll be reallt quick with Rin so I'll be back before the cold can catch me" I force a smile and quickly turn out of the door.

"I'M GETTING YOU ALL THE SAME FLAVOURS" I yell behind me as I slip on my shoes and tap the tip kn the ground. Rin is behind me adjusting his coat.
I grap one of Harus jackets from the side and throw it over my shoulders.

"Alright then lets go" I turn  quickly flashing another false smile.

We both exit and rin closes the door. The air is fresh but frost bitten and I instantly regret my choice attire.
Haru was right in telling me to change but I wont admi...

My left hand is enveloped kn pressure and warmth. By reflex I throw my to the side to see Rin looking right back at me .

He studies my face for a moment , which I imagine is a complete mixture of emotions all in one display, then quickly looks dead ahead and begins to walk down the stairs. I trail behond slowly and shaking.

Finally an update at long last . words can not describe how sorry I am guys ahhh forgive me .
Know that I am sacrificing sleep to write this but it was worth it.

This story is finally at the stage I always wanted it to be and I'm going to have so much fun breakjng all of your hearts with what I have got planned for little (y/n).

So be sure to tune in and will do my best to get this story complete.

With lots of love and thanks for all of the support ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ ...

Xoxo gossip girl

Jk its me XD

( ps : please take a moment to acknowledge that we have lost yet another legend . Prince may you have the most amazing time in nirvana god bless and so sorry to see you go . with all do respect this chapter is dedicated to his highness)

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