Trust me

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It isn't long before we reach the bottom of the steps. Rin still holds my hand. Taking a moment I note how soft and warm his palms are but on because it seems a lot cooler outside than I had anticipated. A gust of winds caresses my face and I squeeze his hand in response.

He looks down at me , dead in the eyes. I smile quickly and awkwardly.

"Is something wrong" his brows come forward into focus as well as his eyes on me.

"Y-yes of course ... Im fine it's.. Only that i thaught it was cold"  he bends to my eye level. My breath is still.

"Ouch!" He had flicked me on the forehead.

"You should have taken a jacket"

"Yeah you're right" I laugh unconsciously taking my hand back and bringing it to my head. He frowns and proceeds to walk forward.

"I won't give you mine" he remarks over his shoulder.

I pout and jog a little to catch up.

The entire area seems so different I can hardly remember where to go so I let Rin lead the way.I'm not worried with him but slightly nervous since we still haven't spoken.

He makes a sharp turn down a dark road and I follow without hesitation.until I hear a loud clang causing me to bolt forward colliding with his hard back.

"I'm sorry" I say still clinging to his jacket while looking around timidly.

He sighs and escorts me in front of him.

"We're here now so you can stop crying" he rubs the back of his head.

In front of us I notice straight away that we've Arriveed at old swimming place. I smile emerges from my terror with the wave of nostalgia but that soon fades as the memory of my last encounter with Rin comes to mind. It is then that I finally realize how much he's grown. His features are so defined his hands are huge he is huge everything about him resonates a new and high level of maturity and grace. My heart hurts thinking about how much I've missed out on in regards to his growth. It is then that I realize I've been watching him this entire time. And he me.

"Are you okay" I listen intensively at the deepness of his new voice. "Hey! Why are you crying!?!?"

I bring a hand to my face. Crap I really am crying.

"N nothing I'm fine" I smile sadly.

"Well.. Um " he is suddenly very nervous " That's right  He comes in to do maintenance from time to time so its not completely abandoned"

He approaches the door and I follow.

"I remember he'd always forget to" the door clicks and opens as Rin brings his arm back. " would you look at that"

Holding the door her turns to me.

"Shall we ?" He gestures to the dark hall within .

Hey the last thing I want is for all of you to hate me so let me get this straight. I've been procrastinating so much and can understand why I've lost a lot of readers but for those still around I'll do my best. The next section is pree written and I've been dying to publish it so expect that before the end of this week.

I love you guys so much stay active and stay patient  haha I kid I'll stop messing around.

Xoxo gossip girl

Jk its me again (〜^∇^)〜

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