It's not what you think

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"H-Haru ha ha I was just my train. I mean I wasn't my train it was early and I um ... surprise!"

Haru looks at me for a moment before picking up my bags and heading back into the house.

I sigh following behind him , taking one more glance back the the kitten who's now play with a piece of over grown grass.

Inside I find the house hasn't changed a bit since I last visited only it seems more empty now that grandmother has passed. I poke my nose into a few rooms till I find the bathroom with a full tub.

"Were you going to take a bath?" I call out .

" something like that " a voice over my shoulder replies. I quickly spin hitting my back against the wall.

"D-did I disturb you " I look up at him eyes wide. He's so close.

Haru looks down at me puzzled before reaching around me.
Oh God this is it . I shut my eyes in anticipation only to be met with a soft face full when I open my eyes it is dark.

"You can use the bath first" I hear Haru's muffled voice before me. I pull the fabric from off of my head to find a towel.

"I see" Haru turns and head for his room while I quickly duck into the bathroom without a second thought.

After I'm undressed I dip a toe in. The water is perfect . I slowly sink my body into it closing my eyes.

HOW CAN I RELAX. What the hell was I thinking . I grab onto either side of my hair pulling it frustratedly.
What was I thinking I can't be here alone with him . my thoughts wonder off into dark fantasy

"Stupid dirty thoughts " I hiss "stupid grandmother". Its not like he'd try anything Haru isn't like . However he is a boy... THERE I GO AGAIN STOP IT!!!

At this rate I won't get any sleep . WHERE AM I GOING TO SLEEP.Even at my age I struggle to sleep alone and Harus guest room is way too far off the main. This sucks I need to sort myself out.

I climb out of the bath. After wrapping myself in the towel i then realise I hadn't come in with anything. I stride out of the bathroom only to throw myself back in .
Haru is in his room .
My bags are in Haru's room.
I'm in a towel.
My mind won't stop its filth production rate.
I'm screwed.


"H-haru" I call.

"*sigh* do I need to teach you how to spell my name" he replies.

"I'm really hungry could you make us lunch " perfect , that'll keep him busy.

"Sure but I was half way through unpacking your stuff"

"MY STUFF !?!" He saw everything , I could die.

"Its convenient since all the important things are in little floral bags."
God bless you mother.( Invisions her mental thumbs up).

"Right you make lunch and I'll get dressed." Nows my chance I dart out of the bathroom and make a b line for his room only to be met with a hard surface. I stumble back."H-haru" I whine.

His demeanor has changed his hair hides his face he grabs me by the shoulders.

"It's Haru" the hall feels as if it's spinning."only one H" he spins with his hand over his mouth and quickly walks down the hall...

The hall ?!?

He had spun us around while I was in a state if shock.I'm so oblivious I face palm. Was he blushing ? Wait I'm still in just a towel.

"Crap" I run step back into the room and slam the door. He saw me. I hold my head in my hands. He's obviously flustered after seeing a woman for the first time .

(Full if self much )

Haru POV

She's so unorganized . I always end up un packing and re packing her things.

Oh her side bag fell .

What's this little box .

I throw the box on to the bed and stumble back. What kind if peteverted things is she planning . (Invision (y/n) with devils horns laughing sinisterly). On top of that why is she taking so long in the bath.

"H-haru" is she playing cute or something? AH she must be coming out meaning the bath is free my face is burns. I can't let her see me like this.

"*sigh* do I need to teach you how to spell my name" okay keep it up that crazy girls is planning something.I won't give in.

Moments later

Turn turn turn . There.

"Only one H" Thats one less issue.

*hears door slam*

Success I won't be brought into her perversions.


I step into the bathroom the water is still clear and room temp.

Its perfect.

I'll make lunch later .

Okay I'm pretty sure I've said sorry after every chapter but I feel like I suck at writing but I owe you guys updates so I'll keep going as long as you want them. Also some shameless self promotion I've started a creepy pasta fanfic. If anyone is interested .


Gossip girl...

Jk its me ⊙ω⊙

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