Chapter 3- Maybe Just A Bit More

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A few hours later, I got a text and a call from Zayn. He asked how I was doing.

"Fine, but I wish you were here. I'm still sick, with a fever of 103, and vomiting every 2 minutes." I whined. He was sorry for leaving, but it was important. It had to do with the band, so he had to go. He had to get off of the phone, so he hung up.

A few minutes later, I got a call from Liam. He was crying, so I asked him what's wrong. He said it was about Zayn. I told him to put Zayn on the phone, and he did.

I was talking to Zayn, and he mentioned something about a car wreck. Niall had been in a car with Louis, Zayn, and Liam. They swerved to miss hitting a squirrel, and went into a tree. Liam and Louis were freaking out, because they were scared that they might not ever see Zayn or Niall again. Liam instructed me to meet the boys down at the hospital. I'm freaking out, because my boy was hurt, possibly killed.

*Exactly 30 minutes, 47 seconds later*

I get down there, and meet Zayn in his hospital room. Strangely enough, it was the same exact room that I was in when I had my surgery. Niall had been checked out and released with a minor concussion. Niall walks into the room with Liam, Louis, and Harry. I hadn't met Harry but once before, and that was when I met Zayn. I was crying hardcore, holding Zayn's hand, hoping and praying that he wouldn't pass on while I was there. I heard the heart monitor go BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, and I could tell that he was floating on the thin line between death and life. He went out a few minutes later, and I went with him. Liam calls the doctor in the room, and when he gets in there, I'm out of it with Zayn. The doctor then picks my body up, and places me next to Zayn.

We both come back to life, and we can't remember why the boys were there. I had another lock-up moment, and start to shake really bad. Louis covers me with a blanket he found in the room. Zayn already had a blanket, but I gave him a part of mine. He then turns over, and sees me next to him.

"Thanks, Janel. When I get out of- WHAT THE **** ARE YOU DOING HERE???" He says, freaking out. I explain to him that the doctor put me up here when I passed out with him, and he realizes that I do pass out often. We are in the bed together, cuddling, and then we fall asleep. The boys leave us with a few extra blankets, in case we got cold. With that, Zayn wakes me up. "Do you want to kiss now?" I would normally say yes, but I was still sick, and I didn't want to take the chance on puking in his mouth. That would be absolutely disgusting!!!!

The next morning, we are getting checked out of the hospital. I text the boys, and tell them we're out of the hospital. We were only waiting a few minutes, and the boys are there to get us, and take us home. We are really cold, because it was cold outside, and we had no coats. All that we had, were our blankets, that the boys left us the previous night.

We get home, and we are laying down on the couch, and I start floating in and out if consciousness.... again.


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