Chapter 36- Falling Asleep in the Best Spot Ever

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I was trying to fall back asleep after eating some very delicious soup and saltines, but found it nearly impossible. I got back up, climbed over Zayn, and went out to the living room, laying on the couch. He came out after me, and sat next to me, rubbing my shoulders and back.

"What's the matter, baby, can't sleep?" He asked, trying to gain eye contact with me.

"I can't fall asleep, Zayn, no matter what. I'm tired, but my brain's saying that I'm not." I said, looking down.

"It's alright, if you need to cry yourself to sleep, then do it. My shoulder's ready." He brought me up onto his lap, facing him, and I looked into his deep, soulful chocolate brown eyes. "It's alright, babe." He hugged me, and my head found its way into its spot in Zayn's shoulder. I stared at the wall for a bit, while Zayn rubbed my back. "If you need to cry, don't hold back. I'm right here." I watched the wall, and found myself drifting off to sleep on his shoulder. "Are you about to fall asleep?" My eyes drifted shut, and my breathing slowed to a sleep rate. "C'mon, we're going back to bed, yea?" He carried me back to bed, and laid me down, but as soon as his arms left my touch, I woke up, staring at him with sparkling silver-blue eyes. "What's the matter? Do you not feel well?" My eyes started to fill with tears. He came up to me, and let me lay on his chest, as he rubbed my stomach gently. "You can tell me these things, you know. It doesn't help me when I have to find out this way. I need to know if something's not right, so that I can try to help you through it, and get you feeling better." I looked up at him, then the tears came over. I laid back down, and started to cry easily. "It's alright, I'm not mad at you. Don't cry, honey bunches, I know it hurts, but where?"

"My stomach!"

"Hey, hey, I know it hurts, but you need to let me try to relax you. Take some deep breaths, and relax." He brought me in, sitting up, and rubbed my back as he let one of his hands wrap around, and rest on my stomach. "Do you feel like you're going to throw up?"


"Alright, do you want to go lay down on the couch?"

"No, I want to stay here!" He nodded his head.

"Do you want to lay back down?" I nodded as well. He kept me sat up while he laid down, then let me cuddle into him. "Is that any better?" I simply gave him a thumb to the side. I was more comfortable, but I was also not feeling well. "Poor baby, I hope you get better soon. There's so much that I want to do with you, but I can't do any of them if you're feeling like this."

15 minutes passed, and still, I felt like crap. There was so many things that Zayn wanted to do with me, but he couldn't do them, because I was holding him back, which made me feel worse than before. The only thing that I wanted was to be able to have fun with Zayn before I had to train.


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