Chapter 39- Operation: Zayn

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*The next morning, 7:32am*

We were getting awakened by a doctor who had come into the room. Zayn woke up quickly, considering how slow he usually is, but I was a bit harder to wake up.

"May I please try?" Zayn asked the doctor. He stepped back, as Zayn took his place, and shook my shoulder gently. "Baby, wake up...Janel." I woke up, knowing that Zayn was still there, and smiled as he hugged me. "I promise, everything that happens today will go well, alright? I've already prayed for you, and the Directioners are going crazy, wishing you better soon."

"Ha, I'd expect that." I said groggily.

"Hey, I need to get home now. Doc, how long is she expected to be out of it after surgery?"

"We're taking her in at 7:45, so that they can knock her out, and get her prepared. They're planning on starting at 8, and she should be done about 9:30, so I wouldn't come back until then." The doctor said.

"Alright, I'll run my stuff back home, grab some breakfast, then come back."

"No, Zayn, I don't want you to leave!" I cried out. "Please, don't make him leave my side!"

"Baby, I need to run our stuff back home, and get some food. I promise I'll be right back shortly after you get out of surgery."

"You promise?"

"Yes, but I need to go right now. I wish you luck." He hugged me, kissing my forehead, and sneaking a kiss in on my lips before he pulled away. "I'll keep praying for you." He walked to the bench, grabbed everything in his arms, then walked out, blowing me a kiss. "Good luck, baby. I love you!"

"I love you, too." He was out of sight, and I felt like crying. "So...can we go now? I want to get this over with."

"Not yet, we need to make sure that you still have your spot first thing."

*20 minutes later*

I remember being taken into Surgery, and I was fading fast. I remember the look on Zayn's face back at home, then realized that I would only be awake for another 30 seconds, if that.

"Is she out yet?" I heard someone say slightly.

"She should be really close."

"Alright, bring her in, we have her station set up." I was out. I couldn't hear, see, smell, taste, or feel anything, especially in my ankle. The boot was off, and my ankle was flopping around as if it had no support.


I was back in my room, coming back to with a counteracting IV running through my arm. I could hear slightly, my feeling was back, with no pain, I could smell the alcohol pads that lay across my stitches, under the wrap that they had my ankle in, and I could taste the water in my mouth, but I still couldn't see. It was almost like being asleep.

Zayn was there, holding my hand as I got more feeling to it. I felt his hand against mine, and I smiled slightly, making Zayn estatic.

"Hey, Zayn, nice to see you again." The doctor said, shaking his free hand. "It went well, no major problems. It was actually better than we were thinking it was. All we did was got to the bones, mended them with a metal flexible rod that can move with her ankle, and sewed her up."

"Wow, that was better than I was thinking."

"We were thinking that we would have to put in metal plates and pins in her ankle, but 3 flexible rods did the job. She'll have to stay off of her skates for 2 months, and come back to get the stitches out in 3 weeks. Until her stitches are out, I want to see her on crutches, and after we take her stitches out, she'll be in a boot for the rest of the time. After 2 months, we'll check back to see how it's doing, then get her walking well and skating again."

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