Chapter 32- Realization of my Birthday

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This chapter has some sad parts in it. Believe me, they're not real. That's why they call this fan fiction.

1:00pm, and neither of us were awake. It was a few days after my 16th birthday, but apparently, Zayn didn't realize that he hadn't gotten me anything. I woke up, and saw Zayn passed out.

"Zayn, wake up, buddy." I whispered to him, shaking his shoulder.

"I don't feel like it!" He screamed back at me. I almost felt like crying.

"Well, then, fine. Be like that. You sleep, and I'll try to do something by myself for my birthday."

"Oh, wait, it's your birthday today?"

"How long have you been dead? It was my birthday yesterday..."

"Sorry, sorry, I'm up." He jumped out of bed, and picked me up, spinning me. "Happy birthday, lovely. Let's have the best day ever today, alright?"

"We'll are you only in my basketball shorts?"

"I'm wearing underwear, not just these. I don't do commando."

"Oh...kay...I was meaning why aren't you wearing a shirt?"

"I get hot at night, is that alright with you? Would you rather have me shirtless, or me smelling like a sweaty b**** when I wake up?"

"Definitely you shirtless. I don't want to have to make you take a shower when you first get up."

"Exactly what I thought you would say. Now, for lunch...what do you want?"

"I really don't have much of an appetite right now. You can have whatever you want, though."

"Don't even try to play this game with me again, missy. You need to eat something."

"Don't worry, Zaynie, I'm not going anorexic. I'm just not the type of person to want to eat right after I get up. I need to give myself a chance to wake up before I stuff my face."

Zayn's phone went off again. He answered it, and his face melted into sadness.

"Dude, get down here. Hospital, now!" Liam said, crying his heart out.

"Why, what's going on?"

"We're losing Louis!"

"What?!?!?! Me and Janel will be right down there." He got off of the phone, and turned towards me, crying. "JJ, we've got to go. Come on." He slapped on the nearest shirt that he could find, slipped on his favorite pair of flip-flops, then dragged me out of the door, locking it behind him.

"Could you explain what's going on first?" I asked.

"Not now. You'll understand when we get to the hospital."


"Babe, I know that this isn't your best idea for your birthday, but it's important."


"You'll understand when we get there."

5 minutes later, we ran up to the reception counter. The lady greeted us, and Zayn took over.

"We need to see Louis Tomlinson, please."

"3rd floor, 2nd right, 1st room on the left." The lady said.

"Thanks." We speed-walked to the elevator, and went up to the 3rd floor. We got out of the elevator seconds later, and found the 2nd hall that lead to the right. We took it, and the very next doorway, we saw the other boys- Niall, Liam, and Harry- surrounding Louis. We came in quietly, and took whatever spots there were where we could still be next to each other.

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