Part 12

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About three weeks later, the carriage transporting him, his mother and Bucky was on its way to the Baron's Residence. A special announcement, that came shortly after the ball, roused a new wave of interest amongst the Ton and caused the Romanoff name to linger on their lips for a while longer.

Miss Yelena Romanoff was betrothed. This put a bitter end to the relentless competition amongst the ambitious bachelors who hoped they could win the heart of the Court's Favourite.

As lovely news as it was, there was also a surprise surrounding the successful contender. Andrew Lockhart, although known for his genteel manners and his propensity for travels, was only the second son of the Marquess of Rockingham, meaning he was not bound to receive the estate or rank title and could only rely on allowances or, if fortunate, on inheriting the money or property of a childless relative. This also meant that Yelena would never be a marchioness, she who could have easily secured a fruitful marriage with a duke or a prince.

The day after the ball, Melina had received the news of her daughter's infatuation for the young man with unreserved perplexity, but Yelena was so stubbornly besotted she insisted upon it and vowed to remain miserable and unwed for the rest of her existence should her request be denied. At the very threat of such a tragic outcome, Melina had had no choice but to comply.

The young man officially called on that same week to ask for her hand in marriage. The meeting in Alexei's office lasted longer than necessary and caused Yelena to pace out of her wits around the sitting room. Facing the Baron, moreover with the intent of claiming his favourite daughter, was a feat in itself — which would discourage at least half of the gentry — and was already proof of his valour. When he was finally released, the young man looked absolutely dishevelled, in complete sweats, his hand clutched against his chest as if to keep his frightened heart from escaping his body and fleeing the country.

Once the shock passed and his face gained some colour again as he clung to the door, he shot a sheepish smile at her, bowed to the ladies, and scurried down the stairs. Yelena stared at Natasha in disbelief as the corners of her mouth went South.

Alexei emerged out of the office a couple of minutes later, shot all three women a resentful look for plotting such a treacherous act against him, before saying he had given his blessing with a disgruntled expression that dangerously leaned towards entering a phase of bereavement.

Yelena jumped in his arms, pressing her face into his chest, thanking him a dozen times for making her the happiest girl in London at this moment. He rolled his eyes as he caved to the urge of mellowing at her display of affection and joy.

"Why did he leave so fast, though?" Melina asked, slightly confused.

"Eh, you didn't expect he'd stay for dinner and reside with us hereafter? He's not family yet."

Melina didn't say another word but looked circumspectly at her husband as she suspected the young man's hasty leave had been prompted by a subtle threat.

Much to the Baron's disappointment, Andrew Lockhart returned the following day and invited Yelena to a promenade. Alexei had muttered from behind his newspapers as the pair, and Melina serving as their chaperone exited the room. He eventually warmed up — or at least came to tolerate the man's presence across his daily visits.

And this day marked the official celebrations of the betrothal with the Ton.

The Earl had stayed quiet the entire journey, anticipating his reunion with Natasha, whom he had not seen since the ball. The recent development in their relationship had sadly harmed their friendship and he found himself missing the company of his friend as much as he longed for her requited affection. The days when they would meet at a park or converse at social events without a care in the world seemed like a distant memory and, he feared that his greed had forever compromised their bond.

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