♤ ¤ SAPPHIRE▪︎35 ¤ ♤

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Yes, the seven archangels who are in charge of a whole realm and are Kings of said realm, make their decisions (some) upon the luck game

Yes, the seven archangels who are in charge of a whole realm and are Kings of said realm, make their decisions (some) upon the luck game

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"Have you guys decided yet?" Jimin asked the five archangels. 

"No, they keep adding more rounds to rock, paper, scissors." Jungkook complained. 

Taehyung rolled his eyes, "you guys were quick to send Jimin and I to do the thing when we lost. Just pick one quick!" 

"Yeah, she's about to be ready." 

"Really?" Yoongi asked. 

Jimin nodded, "she looks beautiful." 

All their faces softened. "I think it should be me." Namjoon spoke. Everyone gave him a look, "she kind of likes me best." 

Before Yoongi could say something. Jimin stepped in. "Okay, okay you guys are hopeless, you're playing up and down, whoever the minority is wins and they play rock, paper to see who escorts Alexis."

"We really have to go through all this to make a simple decision." Jin rubbed his face. 

"Democracy, bro." Jungkook shrugged. 

"Okay, one, two, three!" Jimin called out.

Jin and Yoongi yelled excitedly as they were the only ones with their hands facing down. "Excuse me, your majesties, Alexis is ready." Jennie interrupted their game while giving them a questioning look.

"Oh, okay thank you Jennie." Jimin smiled. "Okay hurry up, one round. That's it, whoever wins it first, wins it all." 

It was nerve wracking. It was a simple game of rock, paper, scissors but for some reason, it was the way BTS made most of their decisions. Non important decisions. 

"Rock, paper, scissors!" 


"I can't believe he won." Jungkook pouted. 

"Okay, but can't you?" Taehyung laughed. 

"Whatever, why are we standing here?" 

"We need to get all angels to the assembly hall, remember. Jimin is going to give his seminar."

"Right," Jungkook nodded, "what for anyway?" 

Taehyung shrugged, "he said many angels came to him asking him for help because the power was failing. So, he did some research and found some things out. Something like that, he was pretty excited though, when he said it." 

"Well, let's get to work." Taehyung nodded. "Jaehyun, help me tell all the angels to move to the assembly hall right now." 


"Baekhyun, hi, help me tell all angels to move to the assembly hall, Jimin's going to give a seminar." 

"Really, during a graduation ceremony?" 

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